How can my child learn online?

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How can my child learn online?
How can my child learn online?
Computers, smart phones and "i" everything are a central part of our daily lives, many of us would find it difficult unplugging for just one day. Children younger and younger are using technology at home and in schools. How much access do you give your children to technology and how much do you encourage or discourage the use of technology?

Share: It is amazing at how even very young children are particularly skilled at operating electronic devices - kids as young as 2 and 3 are using their parents' iPhones and iPads like experts! We certainly can't escape the fact that our kids' lives will revolve around - and perhaps depend on - technology in a way that we cannot even imagine right now. Our kids will have to be proficient at using and adapting to changes in technology. In that sense, it is very important that they learn to use technology...responsibly. It is not a bad idea to allow young children to learn and explore different technology in the right environment and with sufficient supervision. It is important to understand the limitations - the appropriate and inappropriate times to use the technology and moderation in terms of how much time they are allowed to use the technology. It is also wise to keep your children involved in other types of entertainment such as board games, physical activity, reading books, and listening to music, etc. - so that the technology and computers are not their only source of entertainment.
Key Stage Two learning is finally fun with an innovative new software project and homework is no longer boring due to specialist new software.
A Northern Ireland based company has launched a UK and International Product which enables children to learn whilst playing games on the internet, the system limits the amount of game time the child has by asking that they complete educational tests before moving on to the more fun attributes of the game. The system is said to improve performance particularly in the weaker and harder to engage children classrooms. is currently working with schools across the British Isles to offer cost reducing benefits to schools across the UK. The system is currently working in 23 schools, and is in talks with various government agencies to have the system installed on a national level within the UK.
Key Stage Two is an affordable education system which integrates education with entertainment by linking education with fun online games which test the child while they learn. We have recorded great results with children spending on average 40 minutes per evening on the system, doing homework's and usually additional tests, hence improving the acuity and performance of even the most hard to reach pupil.
Currently F. Bailie Principle of the year has identified the following benefits to schools:
-Overall School Cost Reduction due to less homework's needing printed it saves money
-Very low price means it is affordable for all schools as well as home tutors
-Teacher Time Reduction due to the reduced amount of marking
-Non Discriminatory, offering facilities to aid children who do not have home computers
-Environmentally friendly reducing your need for printing
-It helps schools meet their own IT targets
-Full Customer Support team in place meaning any queries are dealt with.
-There is a marked Improvement in Children's performance particularly those who are hard to engage through traditional methods
-Tracking of Child Performance provided by the system enables constructive lesson support, identifying particular areas of weakness in particular pupils as well as the class as a whole.
Why not Lobby a school near you to get involved in the free trial, and give your child the benefit of an IT Integrated education. Click the link below to sign up or request more information.
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