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Honestly How Much Money Do You Make Selling Avon

Honestly How Much Money Do You Make Selling Avon

Hello my friends

Hello my friends. I am writing you a short little article on Avon because it seems like I get the questions all the time "hey landon how much money do you make selling Avon". I'm not an Avon rep, so I mean I HAD no idea what to tell them.

Well I did some research. Thanks to this blessed thing that we like to call the "internet" we can really find out everything about anything that we want. I thought what the heck, why should everyone have to spend that much time looking up "how much money can you make selling avon?" I should just go ahead and write an article about it write now.

So that is exactly what I am doing!

Well I have to tell you, the results that I got were expected. I found out that about 90% of people selling Avon are making less than 100 bucks a week. But then I found out that about 3% of the people selling Avon are making thousands of week.

So what did I do? You got it.

I dug deeper. I looked and looked and then I finally found the difference between the person getting rich in Avon and the person getting left behind in Avon.

I'm not going to lie, I wasn't all that shocked by the results. They were pretty much exactly what I thought that they would be.

I know the real reason why people fail in all MLM companies. That is exactly why the answer was not a shock whatsoever. It really does not switch from one company to another.

Now I know that there are different types of marketing strategies and training methods as you go from one company to another.

For instance, I am with an opportunity right now, but you are not allowed to mention their name anywhere on the internet. It is their rules. They are scared that the idiots out there might make false claims. This of course would get my company sewed. So when I market online, I have to be very careful about what I say.

That fact does not really affect me as much as you would think. If you are marketing right, your company really shouldn't matter. People will join you... for you.

That's just the way internet marketing works, or all types of marketing for that matter. The days of "selling" and cold calling don't necessarily work as well as they use to. Don't get me wrong, offline methods of advertising DO work, but that does not mean begging people to buy your product is going to.

I don't think that there is a nicer way for me to put that.

But anyways, the startling truth about selling Avon..

by: Landon Stewartt
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Honestly How Much Money Do You Make Selling Avon Shanghai