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Hip Joint Replacement - The Sole Route To Alleviate Severe Hip Problems

Hip Joint Replacement - The Sole Route To Alleviate Severe Hip Problems

Hip joints are just like machines which are well set and preserved

. The head of the femur bone, which is located loosely in the hollow of the pelvic bone, forms the joint. The significance of a well-set hip joint cannot be emphasized more than saying that it controls all our movement. But, being the part of our body that is almost under perpetual movement, this joint is inclined to wear out as age advances. Once it takes place, the joint would not be able to support our weight and move unhampered. In such a situation, you may have to involve curative strategies, and in the worst cases, hip joint replacement may be the only long term recourse left.

In addition to continual wear, diseases like bone tumors, arthritis of different kinds etc can also result in hip joint harm. But the modern improvements in the field have ensured that treatment or replacement of hips is efficient and capable of returning normal lives to patients. In mild cases, doctors may advise drugs and lifestyle changes, and in more severe cases, physiotherapy and related cures are recommended. But if the circumstance is too serious, replacement of hip joint may be advised.

It has been observed that patients all over the world go through hip joint replacement. Being safe in most cases, each implant would serve the patient well normally for around ten years. Cases of medical difficulties arising from the replacement are few and far between. Some post operative complications like bacterial infections, acute pain, nerve palsy, osteolysis, debris formation etc can crop up, but these are all short-term problems in most cases.

Dislocation, loosening of the cup and aseptic loosening are the major complications that are found in some patients. Even with a new hip joint in place, patients are normally recommended weight reduction, reducing physical exertions etc in order to make certain that the replacement works well. Once the system is set, patients can return to normal pain-free life, but still, patient consciousness on the matter is a must.Hip Joint Replacement - The Sole Route To Alleviate Severe Hip Problems

In fact, five varied approaches based on the age and condition of the patients are adopted by the physicians concerning modern hip joint replacement procedures. These are, the minimally invasive style that results in very less tissue damage, the lateral approach that is the most common, the posterior approach, the anterior approach and the antero-lateral method. Whatever the approach is, the goal of hip replacement is to return a person to his or her normal lifestyle.

by: Heidi Wingrain.
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Hip Joint Replacement - The Sole Route To Alleviate Severe Hip Problems