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A Hill Country Christmas

A Hill Country Christmas

A Hill Country Christmas

A Hill Country Christmas

Are you tired of the traditional Christmas look? Have you been decorating your home with the same Christmas decorations since 2000? Are you looking for a few new decorating or holiday menu ideas for your home this year? If you are wanting to create a new look for your home or holiday menu this holiday season here are a few ideas and inspirations on how you can have a fabulous hill country Christmas.

When you think of the hill country at Christmas, you might imagine the colors of nature. Slight golden colors still lingering from the fall, browns from the fallen leaves, green from the cedar trees, and touches of blue from the clear skies. To create a warm rustic feeling for your home, decorate your tree with a mixture or combination of gold, bronze, silver, green, and various shades of blue Christmas balls. For extra special touches add a few pheasant feathers to your tree and garland to create something every man or hunter could appreciate. For additional splashes of color you could create a fresh garland using fresh cranberries, dried orange slices, and cinnamon sticks. For a nontraditional wreath this year, decorate your front door and windows with feathered wreaths.

A hundred years ago, the hill country was settled by German settlers. To draw inspiration from the German heritage try creating something reminiscent of what a German Christmas might look like. Decorate your home with nutcrackers, Christmas pyramids made from wood, lots of tinsel, twinkling lights, candy, and hand crafted ornaments. Remember to top your tree with a star made of straw! Throughout your home decorate with hand crafted items. Your children will surely be happy to help you with this. If you simply want to create a country cottage look, stick with simple and clean decorations such as white, silver, and gold ornaments and white lights on the tree.

For your holiday menu this year ditch the traditional turkey or ham. A venison roast served with a side of yellow velvet casserole will surely be a crowd pleaser. Warm German potato salad, spiced peaches, and mulled wine will certainly add hill country flair to your menu. For appetizers or an after dinner cheese course, this year serve goat cheese and crackers. For a new twist on pecan pie serve cocoa pecan pie using chocolate from El Rey in Fredericksburg. Your family will surely enjoy these added hill country twists.

Whether you want to make a few changes to your traditional Christmas look, holiday menu or create something totally different, these ideas will surely get you started. Drawing inspiration from the hill country this year will surely give your family lasting memories this holiday season.
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