Help For The Economy

Share: The economy is not doing very well
The economy is not doing very well. People are losing their homes, their jobs, their cars, and their health insurance. People are losing their life savings. Because of high mortgage rates, high credit card bills, high taxes, and high utility bills. So many people are losing there homes due to foreclosure. People are going bankrupt at an alarming rate.
When People go on unemployment insurance that helps a little, but it runs out before they can pay bills or get a new job. People can't afford to go shopping.
Then businesses go out of business. Such as restaurants, gas stations, food stores, hotels, etc. All those people are laid off. If they are lucky to stay employed their hours are cut and their salary sometimes is cut in half. Wich means they can't pay bills or loans.
There are very few businesses out there hireing workers and I don't think there will be any more soon. This is the worst recession I have ever sean. I don't think it will be ending soon and I think it is getting worse. There are very few loans out there to start a new business. Banks are not lending because they are affaid of not getting paid back on the loans. There are so many people out there with a poor credit rating. If there are people out there with credit cards their lines of credit are cut way down and even their accounts canceled.
If you get sick you can't afford to go to a hospital. You can't afford it if you don't have health care, or a lot of money.
You can start your own business on the internet. There are a few out there with full training manuals, and full support. You just need a computer, printer and an internet connection. You can use it as a second job if you like. You can spend as much time at your new business as you like. It does not take too long to learn. Once you learn you might want to start another business on your own and make more money. People are makeing a lot of money on the internet, because it goes all over the world . You can live in a small community but you can have clients in Germany, Spain, New York, etc. You don't need much experience to do this. If you like it, let your friends and your relatives know about your new business. If they need help you can help them too.
Copyright (c) 2009 Richard Marsteller
by: Richard Marsteller
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