Hello Kitty Invitations And Party Supplies Will Appeal To Both Kids And Adults
Hello Kitty Invitations And Party Supplies Will Appeal To Both Kids And Adults
Hello Kitty invitations and party supplies are just the cutest things. Collected by both children and adults over the years, Hello Kitty has truly become a phenomenon. There are special Hello Kitty invitations that are really cute and will delight the little guests However, it would be fun to create the invitations making them unique. Hello Kitty is known for her hair bow. Try making invitations that are cut outs of Hello Kitty's head with her hair bow. Use white poster board, draw in the face and punch two small holes in the middle of the hair bow. Place the holes side by side. Now, thread a pretty ribbon through the two holes so that both ends are hanging down the front. Next, using the ribbon, tie a pretty bow. Put the party info on the back and it makes a great invitation. The feminine innocence of the Hello Kitty invitations and party supplies immediate create the tone for the party. If the party is for adult collectors of Hello Kitty, then try slipping a Hello Kitty party favor in with the invitation. A party favor will peak their interest. It can be something like a Hello Kitty cupcake topper or a Hello Kitty balloon. Really, any Hello Kitty item will get a collector thinking about the party. Invitations and Party Supplies can make any Hello Kitty party special. Hello Kitty colors consist of pastels, with lots of pink. Special Hello Kitty party supplies are fun to use. It would be fun to mix and match Hello Kitty party supplies with plain party supplies. For instance, Hello Kitty plates and very special Hello Kitty plastic keepsake cups will go very well with white or pink napkins, and plastic forks and spoons. A Hello Kitty tablecloth will look great on the refreshment table and so would a plain pink tablecloth with Hello Kitty stickers on it. Consider getting a Hello Kitty centerpiece or get a Hello Kitty doll and use it as the centerpiece surrounded by cupcakes that have Hello Kitty cupcake toppers. Each place setting can have a Hello Kitty gift bag. These can be special Hello Kitty or they can be pink gift bags with Hello Kitty stickers on them and some pretty curly ribbon tied to the handles.
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Hello Kitty Invitations And Party Supplies Will Appeal To Both Kids And Adults Shanghai