Health Insurance

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Health Insurance
Health insurance is just like any other form of insurance, in that it is a way in which people save the cost of spending a lot on medical expenses should medical help be required. Health insurance is broad and can insure individuals on both a long term and short term basis. Short term basis Health insurance coverage can include covering the cost of a visit to the doctor; operation and just about any medical procedure which is short term. With a long-term Health insurance coverage, the policy covers issues such as long-term disability; long-term nursing and or custodial care.
Health insurance can be purchased by individuals and or companies and groups. A company may get Health insurance to cover its employees such that in the event of unexpected Health care expenses, the policy will cover. Also at times employees do get injured at work and employers would have to compensate them from company funds which can prove costly. All this can be alleviated by having the correct health insurance policy to cover you.

Share: The idea of Health insurance was first brought about in 1694 Hugh Chamberlen. By the 19th century the accident insurance had already began being used which was used more or less like the modern insurance. The payment model of this insurance was used up until the start of the 20th century where laws that regulated Health insurance in fact meant disability insurance.
In 1850 the first accident insurance was offered in the US. Franklin Health Assurance was the first company to offer the service and this company offered insurance against injuries that arose from steam boat and rail accidents. By the year 1866 about 60 companies were offering accident insurance. It was in 1911 that certain insurance policies where added and that was the time when the first disability policy from an employer sponsored group was introduced.
Before all these reforms in the Health insurance arena where introduced, patients had to pay for all their medical expenses right from their personal funds. This was known as a pay-for-service model. It was again in the mid 20th century that the disability insurance changed in to a modern insurance program. To date, Health insurance programs and policies offer comprehensive coverage in all forms of medical expenses which include drugs, health care procedures and more.
Health insurance has not always been the way it is, things were different back then and it was in the early 20th century that policies on hospital and medical expenses were first introduced. Certain hospitals began offering services to patients on a pre payment basis and that led to Blue Cross organizations developing. Health Maintenance Organisations that are common nowadays first emerged in the 1920s right through the 2nd World War till to date.
If you are planning to get Health insurance coverage for yourself and/or your family, there are certain things to know and to note before getting your policy coverage. You have to know what perils the policy covers and what is not included in the policy.
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