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Head Massage: Alleviate Hurts Faster

Head Massage: Alleviate Hurts Faster

Any American these days knows the stress of working in the office - it's the dread of Monday

. Sure, it's great to have a job in this economy, but who needs the aches and pains that go with it. We always think that a prescription or an aspirin is in order. Maybe not. Have you ever thought of alternative cures such as a head massage?

Care to learn more? Head Massage is a term used to describe alternative medicine remedy therapy. A head massage is believed to clear blocks in energy channels that cause a build-up of negative energy that cause a variety of ailments. When energy doesn't flow properly, it can cause baldness, stress, pains, and aches.

Massage is the manipulation of superficial layers of muscle and connective tissue. This is done to enhance function and promote relaxation and well-being on many parts of the body. Why can't we do head massage?. If you are looking to modern medicine to cure your issues, maybe you are looking in the wrong place. The art of massage dates way back, back to over 3000 years. It has been documented by the ancient Hindus, Persians and Egyptians. They all applied forms of massage for many ailments. Hippocrates even wrote papers recommending the use of rubbing and friction for joint and circulatory problems.

The art of massage became popular in the US in the 1800s. It had a surge of popularity until the 1930s and 40s. When modern medicine came to the forefront, the art of massage therapy became discounted as lesser than .Head Massage: Alleviate Hurts Faster

In the 1996 Summer Olympics massage was deemed a core medical service, this gave it great credibility. Head massage, or champissage is practiced all over Europe and was brought to the US in the 1970s.

Head massage is so great, as so much of our nervous system is in our head. Do you get headaches, are you stressed or losing your hair. You wonder, where can I get a head massage, and what does it entail? Is it expensive? Well, a scalp massage can be done in a spa, a salon or at home. This can result in improved circulation. The subject of the massage can chose how long he/she wants, but usually it takes between 25 - 30 minutes.

Oils may be used in some cases. You may, however, opt for no oil. Either way, you will leave your clothing on, unlike most other massage techniques where one is partially clothed or nude, covered in towels. However, if you do opt for oil, be sure to cover your clothes to protect them.

There are many benefits of head massage. Primarily, it relaxes you, which in turn causes muscles to relax and the sprit to be calm and uplifted. It can also improve blood circulation. My dad went for one to relieve his tinnitus and migraines. Hair can grow better after a treatment. When you are headache and stress free, it is easier to sleep and concentrate.

by: Sharon Hubbard
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Head Massage: Alleviate Hurts Faster