Head Massage Alleviate Aches Sooner

Share: Do you dread returning to the office after a nice long weekend
. Back to the stress of the workplace, the boss, the co-workers, enough to give you a headache. Surely there's some sort of relief from all of this (short of a two-week vacation to Bermuda!) How about a head massage?
All that built up negative energy caused by energy channel blockage. Prescription medication isn't always the solution, nor is over the counter medicine. A head massage can potentially clear these channels, thereby restoring any ailments that are caused by it. In order to feel good, healthy, one must have proper energy flow, otherwise, problems such as stress, aches, pains and baldness may ensue!
Have you ever had any type of massage? Do you think this is something new? No, it is not a new medical breakthrough, this art has been practiced throughout the world. Chinese records dating back 3,000 years document its use; the ancient Hindus, Persians and Egyptians applied forms of massage for many ailments; and even Hippocrates wrote papers recommending the use of rubbing and friction for joint and circulatory problems. Massage is the manipulation of superficial layers of muscle and connective tissue.
Massage therapy became popular in the US in the 1800's and grew in popularity until the 1940's. The development of modern medicine discounted its benefits, and its use dwindled. It made a re-appearance in the 1960's when nurses began to use it to alleviate pain in patients.

Share: Suddenly, it became popular again in the 1960's and 1970's when nurses began to use it to relieve pain in patients. It again gained credibility when, in the 1996 Summer Olympics in Atlanta it was used as core medical service. Champissage, or head massage was also introduced to the United States around 1970. Are you convinced? Do you want what's good enough for an Olympian?
Head massage is so great, as so much of our nervous system is in our head. Do you get headaches, are you stressed or losing your hair. You wonder, where can I get a head massage, and what does it entail? Is it expensive? Well, a scalp massage can be done in a spa, a salon or at home. This can result in improved circulation. The subject of the massage can chose how long he/she wants, but usually it takes between 25 - 30 minutes.
In a salon, you will be seated in a chair and the massage technician will give you a luxurious head massage. Unlike many massages, you will remain fully clothed if you go for the option of a no-oil massage. If you want oil, you can choose to wear something to protect your clothing
Do you feel the urge yet? It has benefited many. My father went for a head massage to treat his tinnitus. If nothing else, you will be relaxed and uplifted. With this positive energy flowing, you know you will feel better. You will sleep better which will help you with concentration in every-day tasks. Your blood and lymph circulation will improve. Just head over to your local spa, talk with a masseuse. You will surely feel better!
by: Bill Brainbert
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