Giving Children Omega 3 Fish Oil - Get The Safest and Most Effective Oil and Help Your Children's Development

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There's no doubt about it, giving children omega 3 fish oil from an early age can really help to give them the maximum chances possible. No other addition to their diet can make such a difference, and finding the right oils is a skill as there are so many bad ones around. Discover how to select the safest and purest oils to protect your children's health.
The risk of giving children omega 3 fish oil is that they unwittingly ingest traces of the harmful toxins like mercury, arsenic, lead, dioxins and PCBs. Many supplements are not pure and although they may be cheaper, they present a health risk.
The way to avoid giving children omega 3 fish oil that contains these toxins is to only use molecularly distilled oil. This process is expensive for the manufacturer but separates out the toxins from the oil to leave it safe.
The company I use then puts their oil through another purifying process to achieve the highest levels of purity possible.
The website should provide you with lots of information including a CoA or Certificate of Analysis. This will give you all the information about your batch of oil, any levels of toxins detected and so on.
The main reason you want to give your kid's omega 3 fish oil is to help them so you need to ensure it is rich in the most important fatty acid, DHA.
This is the most abundant fat in the brain and keeps it healthy, making up nearly 30% of the total fats. In studies it has been shown to help improve concentration, learning skills, motor skills, speech, vocabulary and cognitive awareness.
Children with low levels tend to have more trouble concentrating and learning new skills.
Your chosen fish oils should contain at least 25% DHA fats. You will find that most have more EPA fats as this is cheaper to use and increases profits. However, they offer very limited overall benefits, especially for brain and mental health.
For children up to around ten years old, one 1000mg fish oil gel is enough each day, and avoid ones especially for them as they tend to have additives and are not so good quality. After ten, the adult dose of two a day is fine.
If they are young like mine and can't swallow, it is absolutely okay to pierce the gel and pour into their morning drink or over their food. Pure oils will have little smell and they shouldn't raise any objections or result in those unpleasant fishy burps!
Just make sure if you open them to ensure they are consumed fairly quickly.
As you can see, there are immense benefits for giving children omega 3 fish oil, as long as it is the right one.
If you would like to find out more about the pure DHA fish oil supplements I personally take and give to my children every morning, visit my website below.
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Giving Children Omega 3 Fish Oil - Get The Safest and Most Effective Oil and Help Your Children's Development Shanghai