Free Social Bookmarking Freedom From Bookmark Clutter And Chaos

Share: It is estimated that there are around 15 billion websites on the internet
. And new users are growing every day by many thousands and so are the websites. Users of the internet will sure be familiar to search engines. Well, these search engines simplify the work for us by searching on the desired topic or the key word that we type into the search box. Though there are times when we might not be able to locate the exact info or tutorial or picture or what ever we may be looking (sometimes due to copyright and pay-preview modes) for most times we might find something of interest. And when we come across a page that was interesting and would like to take a look again later we usually bookmark it or add it to favorites. But adding one page after the other the bookmarks may run into total chaos when trying to sort it out or find a page from within the bookmarks or favorites. Now there are a few ways to overcome such issues and free social bookmarking is one such internet tool that is catching up among the masses.
There are also sites that are evolving wherein the user can key in a word or a title and find multiple links to information and other websites on a particular title or keyword one is searching for which other similar users had saved in the site. Sites like Digg, bookmarksync, delicious etc serve the purpose of free social bookmarking. Free social bookmarking is the simplest and the best way to organize your book marks under different tag heads so that when you are looking for it any time later, you won't have to search through the whole lot, but only for those under the search title or the tags. Actually, all your bookmarks and favorite links get saved on the free social bookmarking site that you are registered to and not on your system. As your links get saved under tags and is open for public view for anyone entering the free social bookmarking site. Any body entering the free social bookmarking site and keying in the word nature pics on the search window might come across your tag with the same title and also from other users with the same title i.e., multiple listings like any search page but with more user friendly and refined data. Searching for tutorials and study material one might come across a vast quantity of material in the free social bookmarking sites. Similaraly students, teachers, amateur or professionals with interest in softwares, cooks, gamers, or who ever you are, you will find a lot of interesting sites that you might not have come across earlier. Getting started with free social bookmarking is very easy. Most free social bookmarking sites only have a registration process for membership. Also each free social bookmarking site has its own tag icon that needs to be added to the browser tool bar, which will be done automatically during the registration process. So from now on, organizing your bookmarks is one thing less to worry about.
by: Steven Kenneth
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