Florida Health Insurance: What Help Does It Offer for Depression?

Share: About one in five of us in the U.S
About one in five of us in the U.S. are expected to be impacted by anxiety or depression. In Florida, from 10 to 12 percent will face long-term anxiety, and from 13 to 15 percent will face long-term depression.The Difference between the Blues and Mood DisordersEveryone has occasional days where they feel down, but depression as a mood disorder is a persistent and overwhelming sadness that robs you of the joy in life. From a simple depressed mood to a life-threatening major depression, there's a range of symptoms and treatments.Doctors can help you determine where your problem fits in this spectrum. The Depression Learning Channel offers talking points you can use to communicate better with doctors so you can begin to heal sooner. Be prepared to talk about how much alcohol you drink, your eating and sleeping habits, your relationships and sex life and what medications you take. All of this can affect depression.Many mood disorders include depression, such as bipolar disorder, cyclothymic disorder, post-partum depression and seasonal affective disorder. Although depression is more common in adult women, it afflicts groups of every age, income level and race. Women are twice as likely as men to experience depression, and approximately 12 percent of women are expected to experience clinical depression.Does Treatment Help?Emotional disorders often respond well to treatment. In cases where anxiety and depression are the result of events such as death of someone close, disasters, divorce, health problems or job loss, you may have a choice of treatment. In other cases, chemical imbalances also respond to behavioral therapy and changes in lifestyle.The point is you do not have to diagnosis why you are depressed and recommend treatment yourself. Seeking professional help may be your best bet. Depression can be a short-term or long-term problem. The quicker you address the problem, the less amount of time it will steal from you, your family and friends, your work, etc.It's also important to deal with depression promptly because studies are beginning to indicate that depression may contribute to heart disease. In fact, depression can lead to several other health problems because it weakens the immune system. Furthermore, approximately 15 percent of those with depression end up taking their own life.It's estimated that about six million adults (three percent of U.S. residents) are affected by bipolar disorder or manic depression annually. Depression is not a part of normal aging, but about 15 percent of people over 65 (almost seven million) suffer depression. Three percent of those are dealing with a major depression.Approximately four percent of U.S. teens also develop serious depression. It's estimated that less than one-third of adults and less than one-half of children with depression or other mental health problems actually receive treatment. That is especially sad because up to 90 percent of those who seek treatment for depression can improve the condition. That makes depression one of the most treatable of illnesses.What Can Florida Health Insurance Offer Those with Depression?The first step is to find the right professional to work with to discern whether you're experiencing a normal and temporary reaction to a real-world situation. You may be guided to the right professional by talking with employee assistance program staff, local hospital staff, ministers or primary care physicians. The best Florida health insurance plans give you access to a large choice of doctors and hospitals, which includes mental health professionals.A psychotherapist may be a psychologist, social worker, or counselor, and requirements for these professions differ by location. Regardless of which profession you are comfortable working with, it's helpful to work with psychotherapists with a wealth of experience in depression recovery. Such therapists need experience in outpatient counseling offices or clinics, or in a hospital's psychiatric unit.Because you'll be dealing with personal information, your comfort level with the psychotherapist is critical. Here again, selecting Florida health insurance that allows you access to a wide range of professional services increases your choices. In addition to a psychotherapist, you may also require a physician trained in biological and medical sciences because depression is a complex disease that affects you emotionally, mentally and physically. Treating depression may involve specialties, such as endocrinology, exercise, gastroenterology, immunology, nutrition and psychopharmacology. Few doctors have expertise in all these areas, so it's crucial to work with doctors who are willing to learn. When screening doctors, see how willing they are to read and research about new developments in depression treatment. Regardless of the effort it may take, the relief that's available to most people who suffer depression is worth it.
Florida Health Insurance: What Help Does It Offer for Depression?
By: Wiley Long
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