Flabby Bingo Arms and Bridget Jones' Knickers - I kid you not!

Share: Flabby Bingo Arms and Bridget Jones' Knickers - I kid you not!
If I got paid a dollar for everyone who said What's theaverage calorie intake for men?' than I would probably not be far behind Bill Gates in the list of Forbes Richest People!
So let's break it down.
Food contains calories and calories are a unit of measurement of energy. We all need a reasonable amount of calories everyday, some more than others. For example, the 6 foot high, muscle bound construction worker needs a higher calorie intake than the 21 year old typist who catches the number 21 bus to work everyday.

Share: So why do we gain weight ?
Well that bit is simple, you're eating too many calories than what your body needs and all those excess bits of energy get stored as fat and unfortunately the human body is quite good at storing fat. You keep feeding it, there's sure to be a place to store it.
Burn baby, Burn !
Now it helps if we are capable of burning off these annoying calories, but be honest, how many of us exercise on a regular basis? Do we walk the dog every day? How many sit-ups do we squeeze in before getting ready for work? If you're anything like me, you're probably chanting a big fat NO!' to most of these questions.
Can I be bothered to exercise? Hell No! Sorry Billy Blanks but there are not enough hours in the day to Drop and give you 50!' And Ms Fonda my spandex leotard days are well and truly over! But I may be up for a little gentle exercise if it shifts a couple of extra pounds.
I've tried every fad diet !
A friend of mine once said to me, I've tried every weight loss diet I can find, but to no avail, I can't lose weight!' She spurted out that she'd done the Kellogs, the Atkins, the Cabbage soup, the Banana, even the Amputation diet (what the hell that one was all about I'll never know). She'd basically given up but still retained all of her body parts just in case you were wondering.
Does life really begin at 40 ?
When I was a skinny 20 year old, I always used to say to myself, No, I will not be as big as my mother when I get to her age.' How wrong I was! Well, the birthdays rolled past and 3 kids later and at age 40 I was beginning to resemble my worst nightmare. Yes, there it was, the before' picture that you see in all of those diet magazines. Damn! How the hell am I meant to start looking like the After' photograph? Photoshop is a useful tool but not adaptable enough to drop me two dress sizes in reality terms!
My once, dancer's muscles had turned into flabby bingo arms and my rear end I'm sure was fashioned on the song I like big butts,' inspiration I may be, but try telling that to my ever decreasing wardrobe!I needed a Diet Solution program that helped me control my calorie intake.
A Lean, Mean, Less Fat, Sex Machine !
So what did I do? Well it's common knowledge that 95% of people who go on a diet will gain the weight back and some of the poor devils end up fatter than before. I kid you not! So I needed tojoin the 5% who kept the weight off.
I was told that I needed to turbo-charge my metabolism. Okay, so what button should I press? And more importantly, how long do I need to hold the button down to notice any significant loss of weight?
After having a good nose around I found a way of doing this without using any drugs or supplements and these same methods are used by some of the top fitness models you see posing on the covers of magazines. What you need isa diet solution program that helps you to lose weight and more importantly keep it off.
Rubbish I hear you say. Well you think what you what I'm not the one with the lard ass. I thought, Hell! What have I got to lose? So I flexed my flexible friend and never looked back (only when I flexed it a little too hard and it pinged down the back of the sofa).
This fab weight loss system gave me thelowdown on the best things to eat all the time (that was good fun), what not to eat (okay deal with it), why fad diets don't work, how to raise your calorie intake by 50% more without them, along with what food combinations not to eat and the number one health food that makes you put on weight.

Share: In the first week I lost 6lbs, I had achieved my first goal. No I don't look like Cher well that's only because my bank balance won't let me stretch to that amount of plastic surgery and I quite value the movement in my upper forehead and lips but I now go in and out in the right places rather than out and in!
So my question Why Can't I Lose Weight?' has basically been kicked to the kerb alongside my size 16 jeans and my Bridget Jones' knickers.
Don't just take my word for itcheck out the program. Good luck with your weight loss, I'm nipping out to the shops now to buy a new, smaller, spandex leotard. Jealous? You should be!
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