Five Reasons Not to Shop in Big Name Retail Stores for Children's Clothing

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Surely you dislike paying more for children's clothing than you absolutely have to - especially in today's rocky economy and due to the fact that kids grow so darned fast. While you may be tempted to head on down to that big name retailer to shop for children's clothing, there are some definite advantages to not doing so. Here are five good reasons not to shop at the large retail chain stores when buying kid's clothing.The prices charged at large retail stores are the highest, regardless if they advertise otherwise.The typical large retail store has many overhead costs to pay each month. They must pay rent or a business mortgage on the store itself. A large portion of their budget goes toward advertising and then there are high utility bills and payroll that must be covered each month. All of these costs have to be covered somehow and you guessed it - the first thing they do is to charge premium prices for the kid's clothing they sell.The selection is not the widest available.Even though you may have a large children's retail clothing store conveniently located near your home, the selection of children's clothing is more often than not, rather limited. The chances of you finding everything you need at the large retail chain stores in your area are slim which means you would probably end up having to drive even further with the hopes that the next nearest retailer has the type of clothing you are interested in.You May End up Buying More Clothing Than You NeedIt is very tempting when walking through the children's clothing department in a large retail store to buy more than you need. It can be difficult to avoid impulse buying when you see many different types of clothing items hanging on the racks. What you buy on a whim this week may very well be too small for your child to wear next month, which means you threw your hard-earned money right out the window.Large retail stores routinely use the technique called 'cost-plus pricing'.Cost-plus pricing is a technique whereby large retailers add a mark-up amount or a percentage to its cost. In other words, the retailer first estimates the cost of the clothing item it is planning on hanging on its racks and then tacks on an additional amount (or a set percentage) so that a decent profit is made. Cost-plus pricing practices do not take into consideration what the average consumer thinks the clothing is actually worth. This means that you are at the mercy of the retailer because it's number goal is to make a hefty profit on every single article of clothing it sells.Large retail clothing stores offer very impersonal shopping experiences.Long gone are the days of walking into a medium to large sized kid's clothing store and being treated like you are the most important person on earth. To put it frankly, the employees working in the typical large retail store selling kid's clothing could not care less that your child is about to turn three or that you are struggling financially and are in desperate need to find a good deal on a winter jacket for your child.As you can see, there are several reasons to avoid buying children's clothing from big name retail stores. There are many other options out there including online second-hand children's clothing stores that have very wide varieties of kid's clothing at fair prices.
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Five Reasons Not to Shop in Big Name Retail Stores for Children's Clothing Shanghai