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Five Best Entrepreneurial Books Available Online

Five Best Entrepreneurial Books Available Online

The journey on the entrepreneurial path is a steep. Basically, it is Darwin in practice Survival of the fittest. If you can wither the strong winds and advance forward, even when the faint-hearted wants to quit, then you have the pedigree to be an entrepreneur. In fact, you are the show, when you run your business, unlike being part of the show, when you are an employee. All entrepreneurial aspirants would need knowledge and the tools to get started. Business books happen to be best way in which you can augment your knowledge to go about it. We have carefully picked (subjective bias possible) five recent books, which best explains the subject;

1. High Performance Entrepreneur

Author of this book happens to be co-founder of Mindtree, a successful Indian technological company. The basic premise of the book talks about two things Selling and Money. These two things are the foundations to getting a business started and making it successful. Subroto Bagchi also elaborates on selecting a team, defining values, writing business plan, building a brand and managing adversity. The book has a conversational narrative style and is quite easy on the reader.

2. Intelligent Entrepreneur

Written in collaboration with Harvard Business School; the book talks about three-Harvard Business School graduates. They turn down six-figure pay-checks and bet on their instincts to start their own business. Years after, on their re-union, all three realise, the rich dividends their decision has paid. Author Bill Murphy is a lawyer by training and writes extensively in the Washington Post. Bill was part of three successful start-ups to give him a better perspective while writing the book.

3. Billions of Entrepreneurs

Entrepreneurship no longer remains the personal domain of the west. Two sleeping giants India and China are fast emerging as the hot bed for entrepreneurship. The books talks of individuals not looking towards America & Europe to set of a business of international standards to compete with the best. Author Tarun Khanna looks at how entrepreneurs in India & China are rearranging business, politics and society. A must read for anyone who wants to tread the success stories in India and China.

4. Entrepreneur Journeys

The book captures real life stories of successful entrepreneurs. In the words of the author, the book captures, "the tribal knowledge, accumulated in the private lives of entrepreneurs". It is good bedtime book to get inspired before you catch with your dreams at night. The author Sramana Mitra has performed in different capacities in various start-ups and is an Alumnus from MIT. The book gives pointers formulating ideas, creating strategies, changing directions and making the right choices.

5. How did they Blew it?

As the name rightly states, it describes business failures in recent years. The book looks at dissecting the leaders & their personal philosophies, to point out what really went wrong. There book focuses on the behavioural patterns of these business leaders. Some definitely had personality traits that proved fatal to the business in the end. It stays clear of dissecting and drawing a conclusion, but rather focuses on facts and instances.
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