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Fathers' Rights - Child Custody Issues That You Must Be Aware Of

Fathers' Rights - Child Custody Issues That You Must Be Aware Of

The first issue that concerns dads is the fear and apprehension that they will automatically lose custody of their child to their mum.

However this is not always the case, although it does occur in the majority of cases, and the primary concern of the court which must decide is what is in the best interests of the child.

To decide this issue the court will address the question..'who is the primary care giver to the child?'

To answer this question the court will look at:

1) Who helps the child in the daily tasks of getting up in the morning, gets the child to school, looks after his/her personal hygiene

2) Who organises the child's social interaction

3) Who takes him/her to hospital in an emergency or the doctor or dentist

The breakdown of a relationship is very traumatic for all concerned and for the child who has no responsibility for the state of affairs the court will be most anxious to retain as much stability and routine as possible for the child.

To consider this major question the court will also look at whether each parent is a fit parent or not. Clearly issues and problems such as addiction to drugs, alcohol etc. will influence the court's judgment.

For these reasons it is important to note that there is no set formula to decide on custody of the child and any father concerned about child custody rights should do a bit of research and inform himself about the process.

Because armed with this knowledge the whole process is not as frightening as it seems at first.

To arm yourself with the knowledge you need to deal with father's custody rights issues stop by my blog now and equip yourself with the knowledge you need to fight for your child.

by: Gorryterry
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Fathers' Rights - Child Custody Issues That You Must Be Aware Of Shanghai