Father Needs To Spend Some Time with Child

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Across the world, mothers have been associated as family builders while fathers have been associated with the role of the bread winner and the family keeper. It is obvious then that the father doesn't have much of a role to play apart from looking after the needs of the child. In a study conducted in India, a total of 50 families from different economic levels, each with one to two children, participated in the study. One of the questions on the form was an estimate of the approximate time that the father spent with the child, his income and what extra he did for the family.
Most father's responded that they got to spend time over the weekends or on holidays with their child the most. It was observed that the middle and lower economic group had fathers who couldn't get to spare time with their child. The lower group, consisted of a few daily wage labourers while the middle group consisted of father's who had not yet reached senior levels where they could relax and the number of commitments were more of a struggle out of which spending time with a child was considered something, that they presumed their children would understand. The study also considered the children's perception of the amount of time they spent with their fathers.
Most fathers in the middle income group said they took their children to a park, for a match, or a movie or for dinner but the lower income group didn't even have time for that. They would start early in the morning when their children were still asleep and would return late at night when the children would have gone to sleep. They would be expected to work even on Saturdays and Sundays the fathers themselves would sleep spending very little time with the child. Now, with the emergence of a number of IT Companies, a lot of concepts have crept in from the west. Father's are encouraged to take paternal leave when their wives deliver; giving the child and father that much needed bonding.

Share: There is an extra amount of money also given to support the new born and when the infant is about 2 years old corporate office provide a lounge and babe care section in their offices for working moms. "Children need to know that their fathers have limited time to spend with them and when fathers miss, out on their scheduled time it affects the family. If you are a parent and are worried about your child's admission in any of the cities in India, OSA invites you to get online and assures you of doing all the admission related formalities for you right from giving you a choice of schools through our online school directory to scheduling an interview for your child from a number of schools. Admissions couldn't get easier, but then, that's because OSA is dedicated to ease the load off your shoulders.OSA, also posts blogs on the Internet pertaining to education and Parenting.
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