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Facial Massage: Alleviate Soreness More Effectively

Facial Massage: Alleviate Soreness More Effectively

I wake up so early in the morning, before my husband and children

, I start the coffee and wonder, why do my friends/peers look like. I see that my face has aged. When did this happen to me I don't see a young lady any more, I see an (almost) 40 yr old woman. I remember when my mother was When I wake up in the morning I look in the mirror. I see my face! Ah, what happened to me, where is my young face? Through my years it has disappeared. I need a refreshing look. My high school reunion is coming up and my skin is tight and dry. Sure, I have aged and have three little girls. But, who knows that? I think I need a massage. Not one to make me feel better, but one to make me look better. I need a facial massage

Massage is the manipulation of superficial layers of muscle and connective tissue. This is done to enhance function and promote relaxation and well-being. If you are looking to modern medicine to cure your issues, maybe you are looking in the wrong place. The art of massage dates way back, back to over 3000 years. It has been documented by the ancient Hindus, Persians and Egyptians. They all applied forms of massage for many ailments. Hippocrates even wrote papers recommending the use of rubbing and friction for joint and circulatory problems. Facial massage is recorded far back in other cultures, but the Western version is a recent twentieth century innovation. Many European practitioners have come to the US recently to teach others.

So, do you think this can benefit you? Does your skin need more moisture? I know mine does. When the face is massaged, the body's circulation is increased and this reverses signs of aging. Skin tone and texture will improve, as well as redness, fine lines and wrinkles being reduced. Do you have blemishes? These can be reduced, as can blemishes with a facial massage.

Wait, don't go for that invasive facelift. Try Indian facial massage, otherwise known as facial rejuvenation. This massage will be gentle and will release stress in facial muscles. With the release of this stress, our face will relax, helping our face to look younger, more relaxed, less stressed. We all know the stress of everyday life. This shows on our faces.Facial Massage: Alleviate Soreness More Effectively

Do you think this is the limit of a facial massage? No, there are other benefits. Do you notice how your child's skin glows? It is so soft and beautiful, it is blemish free and not in the least bit puffy. Healthy skin is an indication of a healthy body and mind. Collagen production is increased, and this helps to diminish wrinkles. It also tightens the flesh under the chin, thereby eliminating a double chin, which, incidentally, occurs in slim as well as fat people.

I am a mother. My children need sunscreen, they need hats, snacks, shovels, buckets, bikes. Do I have time for myself? Yes, after I set them up in their sun tent, with their sun gear. I forget it. I forget about myself, as many other mothers do. We just take care of the kids. One good thing for me is that I know that with facial massage, I can look as good as my peers who may have had botox done!

by: Robert Sted
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Facial Massage: Alleviate Soreness More Effectively