With a rising trend of being thin, many youngsters are falling into the trap by adopting an unhealthy lifestyle and damaging eating habits
. Bulimia is specified to be an eating disorder in which a person gets hunger outbreaks and eats large amount of food than normal consumption in a short period of time. After the episode of overeating is over, the person starts feeling guilty about it and tries to recover from the previous action by vomiting out the eaten food, fasting for more than specified time limit or by doing excessive exercise in order to remain slim. Bulimia can be life threatening and must be cured on a timely basis so as to prevent irreparable damage to the body.
Impact Of Bulimia:
Deficiency of minerals those are essential for maintaining electrolyte balance inside the body
Swelling up of the glands Share:
Sudden heart failure
Tooth decay
Hair loss
premature ageing
Procedure To Treat Bulimia
Early detection of this eating disorder is crucial in order to get a favourable response from the treatment. Parents, teachers and counsellors must pay key attention to teens to diagnose Bulimia early on. Children with Bulimia must be immediately taken to a doctor or a therapist so that they do not damage their body beyond recovery. Anti-depressants are sometimes used for the Bulimia Treatment, but may not be effective without accompanying proper therapy. Another way to treat bulimia is treatment through a popular combination of two techniques namely NLP/Hypnosis. This combined technique works on the subconscious mind that drives the behaviour of feeling overweight. The amalgamation of these two methods reprograms the subconscious mind and body and many times helps a person get complete freedom from Bulimia.
Following Are The Main Reasons For The Success Of This Procedure:
No Side Effects: Unlike drugs, this program treats the subconscious without any side effects on the body. It is a form of counselling that reads the mind from within and helps with the tendency of overeating or obsession about losing weight.
Permanent: Consumption of medicines can offer temporary relief from Bulimia, but then the disorder may resurface. NLP/Hypnosis and TFT techniques treats the disorder from the grass root level that is the subconscious mind, and hence its effects are powerful.
Cost-effective: Though initial cost may seem higher but it is much cheaper than the regular expenditure on medicines or years of binging.
To get treatment for Bulimia, go to Hypnotherapist Dominic Knight who has expertise in NLP/Hypnosis and TFT techniques. Many of his cases have been featured in the national press http://www.dominicknight.co.uk/ to find more information about his treatment procedures for Bulimia.