Addiction has always been the wrong side of a coin
. It has been observed among the women consuming high percentage of alcohol and drug leads to other co-occurring disorders also such as PTSD, ADHD, anxiety or depression. Consequently, this weakens her confidence, self respect and determination. This is the reason why it becomes so hard to recover from the addiction.
Women's dual diagnosis treatment center in Orange County has 23 years of experience in treating addiction and alcoholism. They are well aware of these consequences and have designed a Dual Diagnosis Program for women requiring help with emotional and psychiatric problems. They provide specialized individual and group therapy for the concerning issues along with treatment for chemical dependency.
The treatment program includes effective and personalized counseling from highly skilled counselors, constantly monitoring the progress as well as making coordination with our clients and their families. It is understood that such clients needs proper care and complete observation. The specialized staff helps client in this areas of trauma resolution, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), anxiety or depression. Every woman is frequently reviewed by an entire team of clinical staff. As it is found that a woman's progress is best determined when a multidisciplinary team approach is used. In any case if she needs any assistance, she is referred to the appropriate individual or group counselors for therapy sessions.
The dual diagnosis treatment center has been successful in addressing the addiction and the co-occurring disorder for 23 years. Women have been a major contributor in the society and so it becomes our prime responsibility to take care of them and give them a proper treatment in their needs.