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Don't Be Alarmed About Choosing A Child Personal Safety Product

Don't Be Alarmed About Choosing A Child Personal Safety Product

Don't Be Alarmed About Choosing A Child Personal Safety Product

Our children are our most precious treasures and our desire to protect them is rooted in a primitive need. From the moment their children leave the crib, parents are looking for the means to keep them in their sight, maintain even a distant touch and wrap them in a blanket of security. When they have stepped from our sight, slipped from our grip, the blanket takes the form of a child personal safety alarm.

A discreet and simple to operate child personal safetyalarm is a Thumb Alarm. These are the smallest effective unit being only slightly larger than the size of a thumb. Operated by a trigger pin that is removed by a sharp tug on a strap, the Thumb Alarm will send out a 120decibel (dB) alarm. As an idea of the impact of this sound, 120dB is only a whisper below the point at which pain begins. But, to protect the child at risk from the ear-splitting sound, the metal pin can be replaced as soon as the threat has gone and the alarm shuts off.

Of course, under such circumstances, it would quite reasonable for the child to drop the pin. Whether it was the initial plan of the design or merely a helpful afterthought, many small personal safety alarms units are equipped with a flashlight function that will help in the recovery of the pin and the cessation of the noise.Don't Be Alarmed About Choosing A Child Personal Safety Product

A more deliberate design feature to assist in this situation is the belt clip or lanyard that simplifies the activation of the child personal safety alarm. With only one free hand, the child can pull the alarm clear of the metal pin and the near painful noise is aroused. This configuration makes the alarm accessible at all times and allows the child to run from the scene without worrying about where the pin has gone.

Probably for a slightly older child, another personal safety alarm worth considering is the electronic whistle. This is operated by pressing a button and will remain functioning only until the child has released the pressure. Again the unit has the benefit of being able to be triggered with one hand and the key chain attachment puts it close at hand. As a further advantage, the electronic whistle can also be useful as a signal for a child lost in a forest or in harsh terrain. But, without wishing to distress parents, it is worth remembering that should the whistle be knocked from the child's hand, the alarm will stop, where pin activated units will continue even if the child drops it and runs away.

An interesting added feature of child personal safety alarms is the Sport Strobe. While the volume of the alarm is slightly less at 116 dB, the added bonus of a strobe light flashing in the attacker's eyes is probably worth the 4 decibels difference. Anyone faced with near painful noise and a strong flashing light would have to be sincerely determined to persist with an attack.Don't Be Alarmed About Choosing A Child Personal Safety Product

The final form of child personal safety alarm that might interest parents is the Screecher Aerosol Alarm. Operated by depressing the top of the device as one would a can of flyspray, the unit emits a high pitched sound that is audible for up to one quarter of a mile. While the principle is certainly effective, like the whistle, the unit will only operate while the top is being depressed. This does reduce the appeal as an emergency device, but many people find them quite adequate for their needs.

The surprising aspect of all of these devices is the little expense required. Most retail between $10 and $20 and they are powered, with the exception of the Screecher Aerosol Alarm, by common and inexpensive batteries. There are even units that use environmentally friendly batteries to protect your child when their environment isn't so friendly.

The range of personal safety alarms for children is impressive and the variety of features deserves careful consideration because you are choosing something that will be there to look after your child when you can't.
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