Dogfish Head Reduces Their Distribution Lines

Share: Dogfish Head Reduces Their Distribution Lines
When it comes to successful American craft beers, there are several names that stand at the top of everyone's list. These names include the likes of Boston Beer Co., Sierra Nevada, Redhook and Dogfish Head. However, one of these leaders has actually announced that they're reducing their distribution by a significant amount. Is it that they are not as successful as they once were? Actually, the problem is the reverse.
Dogfish Head has enjoyed significant growth through the years, though their growth in the past year alone has been amazing, thanks in part to the greater exposure the company enjoyed with the founder starring in Discovery Channel's Brew Masters series. It is actually this attention and growth that has caused so many headaches for the company.
Dogfish Head has actually announced that they will be reducing the areas in which they distribute their beers. Currently, the company's products can be found in 30 different states. This is definitely a sign of success, but it might be too much of a good thing. The problem is that the brewery has become so popular that they are unable to meet the demand for their beers. Consequently, they have made the decision to pull out of four states and help reduce some of the demand for their products. The states that Dogfish Head will no longer serve include Rhode Island, Wisconsin, Tennessee and Indiana. Folks in these states will have to find other ways to get their hands on their favorite Dogfish beers.

Share: Of course, if you live close enough to the border of a state where the company still distributes, you can just make a quick trip across and grab some. Rhode Islanders will certainly have little problem, as both Massachusetts and Connecticut will still have Dogfish Head beers available.
This is certainly an example of too much growth, too quickly. While growth is almost always a good thing, it can be a bad thing when you're not prepared for it. In the defense of Dogfish Head, there was really no way to prepare for the explosion of growth that they've encountered it's simply not feasible. However, the company hopes to meet the growing demand as soon as they can and reinstate those states where delivery of their products has stopped. Here's hoping for a fast turnaround and renewed service! In the meantime, you'd better grab some of your favorite beer if it's still on store shelves and you live in a state no longer served.
Poto Cervesia,
Dustin Canestorp
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