Doctors Request Assistance

Share: Physicians across the nation doctors are appealing to the government for a nationally financed
, countrywide health insurance program that they claim would help to include all current health care needs for Americans while saving as much as billions of dollars.
Today's physicians make the claim that the private market ideas have totally let us down, years and years following a suggested national health plan which failed in Congress, as it was mired in complicated and controversial ideas that were scrutinized and attacked by the insurance, pharmaceutical, and medical industries.
These doctors think that if Congress established a prescription drug benefit for the disabled and elderly, it would only benefit private customers and consumers wouldn't see much of a difference.
Physicians would instill a singer payer system, an ultimately advanced and larger edition of Medicare that cared for the disabled and senior citizens.

Share: While the HMOs (health maintenance organizations) were originally meant to be the best chance to fix health care issues, they have ended up increasing the costs for Medicare by billions while hitting bottom with public opinion of their services.
Although investor owned hospitals seemed like they would be more efficient, they've been sullied by scandals.
Doctors allege that the pharmaceutical industry, which enjoys higher profits and lower taxes than any other industry, inflates the costs of prescription drugs to such an extent and they are well beyond the reach of those who need them desperately.
A physicians proposal was published in an issue of the Journal Of the American Medical Association.
The doctors leading the fight for national health care coverage include 2 former Surgeons General, and the former Editor of one of the foremost American medical journals.
A Harvard Medical School lecturer stated that the current way of providing health care in this country could not continue without imploding.
What it comes down to is single payer is not just a best choice, it's become the only choice.
The current President of the American Medical Association released an official statement from the organization maintaining their opposition to the single payer plan.
He argued that the enactment of a single payer system in America will be like exchanging one issue for an entire series of additionally grave issues.

Share: These problems could include a long wait for services, slow timing in adopting new technologies and maintaining facilities, the possible creation of a bureaucracy that may effect the patient's authority and that of their doctor in making decisions about their medical care, as these are all negatives associated with the single payer system.
The organization responsible for lobbying for the managed care industry, the American Association of Health Plans, also finds, that the single payer system that the doctors put forth, which will mean an end to health maintenance organizations and for profit hospitals, is unsatisfactory.
The American Medical Association claims that the number of doctors interested in signing the article for a single payer system is lower than 1% of the thousands of doctors in the US However, one physician is unwilling to concede this point notion the historical significance of a group of doctors, a group traditionally opposed to this sort of legislation, coming out in favor of national health insurance.
by: John Chambers
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