Doctor Recommended: Stress Reduction Has Never Been This Easy!

Share: The digital age with all its speed, convenience and options seem to be triggering
more stress than before these "conveniences" were available! Checking your email, instant messaging, conflicts resulting from Facebook etc. seem to be causing stress to be a major health topic these days.
These electronic instruments and media invade our homes, overwhelm us at work, accompany us on social outings, are tied to us on the road and often sleep with us at home. Stress caused by fast-paced information availability, instantaneous communication and the overwhelming number of choices available to us make it more pervasive than ever before.
Psychologists, counselors and other health care professionals have to be concerned about its impact more than ever. Also, it becomes so unseemly when it is observed in elementary school children who exhibit excessive concerns about being liked or being a champion on the soccer field.
Mindfulness-oriented stress-reduction methods are gaining greater popularity. The concept is that through being mindful of your anxiety-laden thoughts, you can consciously and systematically begin to respond to them by "detaching" from them and simply "observing" them as if they were floating by in a cloud.

Share: Believe it or not, thoughts are simply perceptual eruptions fueled by biology and experience. IMPORTANT: They are not us, nor are they necessarily reality!
The mind-body connection demands that we become overly "attached" to them at our own peril. After all, some are good, some bad, some functional and many are dysfunctional.
Only after observing them on the shelf of your perception should you pick one up and run with it. Leave the others behind.
This form of mindful awareness demands that you train your mind not to take your stressful thoughts and conclusions for granted, but rather to stay focused on the fact that they are perceptual eruptions, some healthy, some unhealthy and should first be dispassionately observed before selecting the ones to run with; they are not You or Reality itself.
In other words being mindful, being in the present, dispassionately observing and evaluating our cognitions, then picking and choosing the most functional ones is an important way to reduce stress. If we stay "detached" from these perceptual eruptions as they occur, we are likely to eradicate our most inappropriately pessimistic and catastrophic feelings.
Stress reduction is crucial for all, particularly those who are becoming ill because of it. Meditation techniques can be used by first "centering" oneself, then deep breathing and clearing your mind, then simply and dispassionately observing your thoughts go by in a series of clouds.
In your mind you see yourself as "empty" and separate from the perceptual eruptions floating by. There are many classes available that teach various approaches to mindful stress reduction.
Regular yoga and meditation practitioners utilize mindful stress reduction. Also, it is prescribed to some cancer patients to enable them to nurture a healthier attitude and to stimulate their immune functions.
Studies have found that participants in "mindfulness" programs are able to improve their sleep patterns as well as reduce stress, fatigue and the frequency and intensity of their negative moods.
Mental activity significantly influences the functioning of your body because body and mind communicate through the same neurological networks.

Share: By learning to purposely detach, evaluate, and choose your thoughts, you become your own ally in actively enhancing the quality of your mental and physical life. Unfortunately, our thinking is habitual and we have been conditioned to think that we Are our thoughts, and regardless of their irrationality, they Must represent reality. Wrong!
Once we understand the trap this thinking has laid for us, we can focus on the truth: We are cognitively "empty" and really separate from the perceptual eruptions we call "thoughts."
Crucial: Some thoughts are more functional, others are more neurotic or flawed, and we must evaluate and choose the most functional for our use.
by: Mike Shery
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