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Dockwalkers Program Foster Clean Boating Practices!

Dockwalkers Program  Foster Clean Boating Practices!

With expanding recreational boating in the Californian coastline

, the California Coastal Commission (CCC) understood the need for action to safeguard the coastline from any possible damage. This concept made the CCC launch the Boating Clean and Green Program in 1997. To educate boaters and to encourage clean boating practices, the Boating Clean and Green Program created the Dockwalkers Program.

You would be wondering who are Dockwalkers? Basically, they are volunteers who participate in the Dockwalkers Program. Dockwalkers are initially given a two and half hour training course. What you can actually do if you get trained as a Dockwalker is encourage boaters to adopt safe, environmentally-friendly, and clean boating practices. As a Dockwalker, you can create awareness on the importance of following safe boating practices among boaters.

You can even distribute boater kits when you happen to visit boat launch ramps, marinas, or boat events. There are two versions of the boater's kit, including the State and the Delta Boater kits available. A survey shows that there are approximately 500 Dockwalkers in California who have actually helped in distributing nearly 80,000 boater kits from the year 2000.

But these clean green practices are not meant for boaters in the State of California alone. Boaters from other parts of the US can also go for eco-friendly boating practices. Here are some clean boating practices that boaters can adopt:

Proper maintenance of engine to prevent oily bilge water discharge.

Careful refueling to avoid any oil spill.

Proper disposal of hazardous waste.

Use of eco-friendly cleaning products, such as Oil Gone Easy S-200 for effective oil spill cleanup.

Avoid in-water boat cleaning and maintenance.

Now that you understood the impact of the Dockwalkers program on saving the coastline, don't you want to become a Dockwalker? Then, wait no more, just go ahead and volunteer yourself to become Dockwalker.

by: Oilmbs
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Dockwalkers Program Foster Clean Boating Practices! Shanghai