Do Drug Treatment Centers Really Work?

Share: Individuals experience a number of addictions
Individuals experience a number of addictions. While some suffer from addiction to recreational drugs such as morphine or cocaine, others suffer from addiction to prescription pills like painkillers. Yet others get hooked on alcohol. For all individuals who are suffering from the various addictions, enrolling to a drug treatment center may be the best solution.
There are numerous kinds of drug treatments programs available today. Do they work? Can one recover permanently? It is advisable to enroll in a treatment program that suits your needs. The effectiveness of the treatment program depends on the choice that you make besides your desire to leave the sickening habit. It is also important for the family members to provide ongoing support to a loved one undergoing drug treatment.
When looking at the effectiveness of a certain program that interest you, do not over rely on the information that the treatment center provides you. Do your own research so that you may be able to know whether the information is true or false.
Many reputable residential treatment centers are able to register a reasonable rate of success. Many specialists, however, may be skeptical about some of the success rates offered by the respective websites. Government organization sources indicate that the average rate of success is approximately 50 percent given that you finish all the required treatment programs. Nevertheless, there are many drug addicts that drop out of the treatment before they finish all the required programs. This reduces the rate of success further.

Share: Other sources indicate that 15 percent of the patients, especially those who have not abused the drug for long, are able to get full recovery even when they have little support. However, addiction treatment experts are very skeptical about these figures.
It is said that about 90 percent of the addicts who enroll in any treatment process tend to experience some sort of relapse during the first few years of their healing process. Nevertheless, specialists say that this does not imply that your chances of recovery depends on given statistics. The moment you agree to treatment and focus your mind towards full recovery is the turning point. By finding a reliable treatment center, you increase you success chances further. Ongoing care is also essential in order to ensure that there are no setbacks. Factors such as the duration of treatment, that kind and length of the drug addiction and the support are determined by addict themselves. With little research on the effectiveness of certain programs on individuals, making haphazard conclusions is not the way to go. These figures are unreliable. However, this indicates the chances of relapse. In other words, it is rare to complete the process of recovery without temptations of setback.
The most important thing for addicts is to recognize the existence of a problem and then be ready to seek treatment. The success of treatment will very much depend on the attitude that you build towards it besides the reliability of your chosen treatment center.
by: Adams Paul
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