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Diseases And Careers Tips For Whitening Teeth

Human body is one of developed structure in world made by GOD

. It is taken more time to be so specific, powerful, and developed body. Beside time, there are other factors like basic structure like bones and joints. With 206 bones and around 260 joints, make our body to be unique for motion, for balancing and doing work on most of situation. These basics things are very important for any person for better human body as perfected structure.

But these are basics things beside these, we have other part called muscles that make us more unique by giving structure like look and feelings. Because of these muscles, we are being seen unique just of changes in little properties. So as basics, like bones and joints, muscles are important also.

One of important is teeth. In human part, every body part is important and have specific work. So like other teeth are important in terms of work and making better career. With help of teeth, we can eat as well speak also properly. Beside usefull in work, they are also important to give better looks on human face. But how one can have better care for this.

In world, we have better technology and knowledge. But with some profits, we also face losses also. So considering losses, one should not use fluoride. Because this is combination of water and toothpastes so this would make your teeth colorless.

We use to eat after some time in a day. This may happen that some different smell may come from mouth. But lots of people dont like and use to mouth wash. Most of them are alcoholic and having chlorhexidine that discolor your teeth.

With increasing latest style people are going to concentrate to tobacco. These tobacco are very harmful for body as well as teeth also. Because of its property, they are culprits of tooth staining.

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by: Justin Mark
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