Discover Why For Active Holidays Narrowboat Breaks Are Best

Share: 2,200 Miles Of Quiet Waterways Passing Through Historic England Are Waiting For You
And Your NarrowboatPlaces In UK To Visit Attractions Stratford Upon AvonPlaces In UK To Visit WarwickPlaces In UK To Visit Royal Leamington SpaA narrowboat is the UK canal network's equivalent to the much maligned traffic-jam-causing Recreational Vehicle but with one major difference. On the canals virtually all the boats are the same sedate floating houses so there's no chance of holding up other drivers and suffering angry tirades when they finally pass you. Everyone travels at the same restful 4mph so there's no rush ad no stress.One of Calcutt Boats' hire fleetOne of Calcutt Boats' hire fleetThe canal system was developed at the height of the Industrial Revolution to allow the easy transport of goods from one centre of commerce to another. Now commercial traffic has virtually ceased but has been replaced by the rapidly expanding leisure industry. There are now more narrowboats using the canals for pleasure than there ever were commercially.A narrowboat offers you a little seen view of scenic Britain. The canal system covers more than 2,200 miles of England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales and offers a rich and varied change of both rural and urban scenery.The bulk of the connected canals are in England and extend just past Lancaster (to the south of the Lake District) south to Aldershot, south west to Bristol and east through the Middle Levels and the Fens to Kings Lynn.The network passes through some of the most interesting and historic towns and cities in the UK including London, Birmingham, Manchester, Liverpool, Leeds and Bristol. In the Midlands the canals visit fascinating Warwick with arguably the most impressive castle in the UK, Shakespeare's birthplace at Stratford upon Avon, Queen Victoria's Royal Leamington Spa, Coventry's naked horse riding Lady Godiva and the home of rugby football Rugby.A narrowboat, although only 6'10" wide to allow passage through the canal's 7' wide locks, usually provides all of the creature comforts of your own home. You can usually expect fixed double and single beds, lounge and dining areas, fully fitted kitchens including hobs, ovens, microwaves and hot and cold running water, bathrooms offering showers, one or more toilets and, in some cases, baths and, for evening relaxation, television and stereo sound systems.At the end of an active day on the waterways, there's never a problem finding somewhere to "park" for the night. You are free to moor on the canal bank just about everywhere you go although you may have a problem finding a spot outside one of the many hundreds of canal-side pubs and restaurants.Calcutt Boats' hire fleet, moored next to their two beautifully landscaped marinas at the junction of the Grand Union and South Oxford canals in the heart of rural Warwickshire offer the perfect location for the start of your narrowboat holiday. Calcutt Boats have been providing a very popular narrowboat hire service to families and couples from all over the world for the last thirty five years.
Discover Why For Active Holidays Narrowboat Breaks Are Best
By: Kym Fordham
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