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DC Universe Online

DC Universe Online

DC Universe Online

The DC Universe Online from Sony, is already in its first month and placed online for the PC and the PS3, while the monthly fee, after the first 30 days free-is offered at 13 euros. Can the idea of an Online super hero / villain MMO is not new, but the DCU fails to properly implement some ideas, and do good use of the characters DC. But these suffice for a subscription MMO?


After several Gigabytes of downloads through the Updater (for both versions), the game starts with an impressive intro, which shows the best-known "good" and "evil" of DC to die. Beyond the spectacular action (though it is nice to see the Superman dying), the story is quite interesting. In the distant future, therefore, the Lex Luthor manages to kill Superman and most of the other Heroes, but equally important are the losses to the other side. With the most powerful good and bad land to outside battle an alien entity called Brainiac finds an opportunity to attack the Earth. The conquest of Earth is easy to get DCUO Cash now.

The video takes us in the past with Lex Luthor has traveled to the era where heroes are still alive and tells Batman, Superman and Wonderwoman the situation in the future. It reveals that the only reason I was able to kill Superman, it was because Brainiac stole slowly forces super-heroes of Earth to create with them their own army of super-humans. The Lex Luthor managed to steal from Brainiac these forces with various nano-robots in order to liberate the Earth. The result is to create thousands-superheroes (the players) and aim the other Heroes (mentors) is to train this army, so they are ready this time to attack Brainiac.

Create a character

Immediately after being transported to the character creation screen and we will create from scratch, either a hero or a villain. At this point the player will have to take some very important decisions that will affect the path for the rest of the game. Options like the fighting style he wants to pursue (such as what weapon he wants to fight), style movement that wants to have (whether you fly, if you run fast, or if it jumps), the mentor who wants to follow, kind of superpower that wants to use and, of course, if it is bad or good. All these choices must be made here.

Apart from options that directly affect gameplay, the creation system offers even more choices for the exterior. We can choose whether we want our character to look like one of the famous heroes of DC (like Batman or Superman), but the best way is to create a custom hero. There are no limits and with a little imagination (and time) anyone can make impressive characters. Overall, the creation system is the best we've seen in a MMO and hangouts will never see the same character twice.

The positive of all is that in the game there is an option that allows us to "lock" the exterior styling of our character if we do not want the various pieces of armor to collect in the future affect the original appearance. Starting then, within the hull of Brainiac, a first educational mission and purpose is to escape. Learn the basics, one observes that the DCU is quite different MMO in the style of action. The "konsolistiki action philosophy, mixed with the MMO logic, the result is an overall, relaxed and fun action-based battle system.
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