Cpa - The Types Of Offers Out There

Share: Cost-Per-Action (CPA)
Cost-Per-Action (CPA)
Chances are as a CPA Marketer I bet you have seen the number of different types of CPA or Cost-Per-Action offers out there already right? It may not be something new to you or the next Internet Marketer, but as a newcomer, such as myself once before, can find this a little too overwhelming and intimidating even because one doesn't know which is what and vice versa.
Questions start to fill the brain, feeding thoughts of doubt, what-ifs, failure scenarios which can inevitably lead to giving up even without taking that very first step. I'm here to help you to break it down to explain the different types of CPA offers available and explain what is it that makes it differ from one another.
Yes, these offers might seem to involve different type of methods but nothing works better when all these CPA methods or offers work in unison. Below are some of the types of offers where Im quite confident you have stumbled upon before, one way or another.
free trial offers
zip-code submission
e-mail submission
affiliate-sales like
Free Trial offers
Let's take a look at free-trial offers. This is where an individual signs up and enters their details in order to receive a free product in their mailbox, be it physical or the virtual one. As a marketer (that's you) it's going to be simple to promote these kinds of products as everyone loves free stuff don't they?
You must be asking now, why are you getting paid for this? Well, when every customer that you referred enters their particulars into the merchant's website, you get paid a commission, as simple as that. All you have to do is generate a lead, thats the beauty of CPA.
I did mention you get paid a commission right? You get paid based on the percentage of actual product price. The percentage will usually be agreed between you and the merchant you are promoting for beforehand. It is entirely possible for you to be making around $20-$100 dollars per item sold. Yes, that's dollars we are talking about and not measly cents, but DOLLARS. Just bring in that lead and the merchant will do the rest.
Let's look at another type of CPA offer. This next one is called zip-submission. And what customers are required to do is exactly what the name suggests, by entering their zip-code. For every customer that you successfully get to key in their zip-code, you get paid a certain commission regardless if they actually purchase something from the merchant or not later on. It's that easy! But don't get too excited, you'll get paid less this way (between $1-$5 dollars per zip submission). But imagine multiplying that by a few hundred or thousands even and you'll see the money come pouring into your bank account.
Besides zip-submission there is another called e-mail submission. This type of submission works similarly to zip-submission. The only difference is instead of requesting for zips from customers, you are asking them for their e-mail addresses. And as usual you get paid for every e-mail addresses they input in.
Last but not least are those offers that work like affiliate offers. These type of offers pay you for every successful sale that they made. The payouts for these are generally bigger and you'll be earning a high commission percentage from each sale. It's not surprising to be earning tens of dollars to hundreds of dollars per sale for this type of affiliate-like offers. (Provided you generated the lead which resulted in that sale in the first place.)
These are just some of the more common types of CPA offers available. There are certainly more out there including those that have evolved into an entirely new type of CPA offer altogether. It is generally a good-idea to try your hand at each of the CPA offer types available out there and see which one works best for you. You may choose a CPA offer which suits a certain niche or you may choose multiple CPA offers to gain maximum benefit and utilize its full potential. As I said, the choice is entirely in your hands.
by: Blake Jefforson
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