Contractors - how to improve your personal brand online
As a freelancer/contract or temporary worker you have an opportunity to build your own personal brand
. You may have a specialist skill set which could be utilised in such a way that it could benefit you further if enhanced online.
Gerry Gregoire from Danbro-
Umbrella Company has created these 5 simple tips for contractors to help create your personal brand online.
1. Discover - Get a piece of paper and write down what you specialise in and what value you can offer to others. Is there anyone else out on the net offering good, helpful advice to others in your niche? If not, or perhaps you feel you could contribute further, there is a real opportunity to create your personal brand. For example, Joel Comm has mastered the Google Adsense niche and brands himself using his name...Why not do the same?
2. LinkedIn - If you're not on here you're missing out on networking with others sharing an interest within your industry sector. Also, Linkedin is the tool that recruiters are using more and more to find suitable candidates to fill roles. It's also a great way to build up your client testimonials for others to view.
3. Feed others - A great quote I came across by Penny Power was 'by feeding others, you will feed yourself'.
Essentially what she was conveying was; that by giving free advice to others seeking it on forums, blogs or other social media sites, you will become recognised as someone who knows what they are talking about (providing the advice is right in the first place). As a result, you will reap the rewards when others start recommending you. Get involved in forums related to your industry.
4. Create a good 'social media CV' - Most people working in the contract/freelance industry have to create a CV, but do you update it? Ensure it's up to date and reads right. Here's a great article on building your social media CV. Promote what you can do to the world and share it with as many people as you can!
5. Video resume - This is something for those that feel comfortable creating a short (minute or so) video of why you are a suitable candidate for a certain role. You can upload your videos on you tube and then send the link to hiring agencies.
There are a number of resources out there for you to use when creating your personal brand. Creating a brand doesn't happen overnight. It's important that you don't see it as just a way to drive business or help land you your next job as it will become an effort when building your name, however if you have a passion and are willing to invest some time, the long term gain can be invaluable.
In summary;
a) Get people to know you (i.e. as a person and as a professional).
b) Continuously Contribute (i.e. give your advice away for free, help someone that could do with your expertise or point them in the right direction where they could find the help).
c) Grab a hold of your opportunities (you will find that if you are known and help others, then more opportunities will come your way).
For further details, please contact Danbro
Contractor Accoutants on: 01253 600141,
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By: Danbro
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