Compulsive Eating Disorder Treatment
People who have this compulsive eating disorder are described as being addicted to food
. People with this disorder often engage in episodes or bouts of uncontrolled eating. During such an episode, the person may feel totally out of control. He or she will continue eating even after they are full, and they will eat at a quicker pace than normal.
Most of the times, such an episode of binge eating will be followed by a period of feeling guilty and depressed due to this behavior. People with compulsive eating disorder usually cannot control themselves when they find food before them. They will eat even when they are not hungry. They will think and fantasize about food more often than others.
Compulsive eating has to be treated as early as possible. As time passes, the habit will become very difficult to uproot. It can lead to health ailments like high cholesterol, excess weight gain, heart problems, diabetes and even clinical depression.
Some of the symptoms to help you identify if you are suffering from compulsive eating disorder are:
1. Fear of not being able to control eating
2. Unable to stop eating even after you are full
3. Turning to food for comfort when you are suffering from low confidence
4. Hiding food in unusual places so that you can eat it later. Examples are under the bed, below the sofa etc
5. Mood swings and depression
6. Excessive sweating
7. Frequently being out of breath
8. Insomnia
Compulsive Eating Disorder Treatment:
Eating disorders are serious mental issues which should not be taken lightly. They should be addressed and treated as early as possible. When the disorder is in early stages, it may be easy to get rid of it. Cognitive therapy is often found to be helpful in such cases.
Keep in mind that compulsive eating disorder treatment takes time. It requires a serious effort on your part. You will need professional help and support as well as 100% commitment from your side. You need to make long term changes in your lifestyle. You have to learn new eating habits. Are you prepared to do all this?
Cognitive therapy deals with teaching us how to deal with our negative thoughts and change them into positive ones. Negative thinking can have a very deep impact on our emotions and reactions to situations. Negative emotions, stress, low self-esteem etc are often said to be behind he compulsive eating disorder. So we need to learn how to change our thoughts from negative to positive.
Treatment for compulsive eating disorder should address the following issues:
1. Learning to deal with negative emotions in positive, constructive ways
2. Learning healthy eating habits
Copyright (c) 2010 James Martin
by: James Martin
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