Chiropractor Indianapolis In | How To Deal With Childhood Injuries

Share: Children are notorious for being clumsy, for acting the daredevil
, for climbing too high, for so many things that cause injuries. How as parents do you know which injuries require a trip to the doctor and which can be handled at home? Here are some tips to help you handle the most common childhood injuries.
Please note: this article assumes that the injury does not include compound fractures of any type. If at anytime, there is a bone protruding from the skin - immediately rush the child to the emergency room.
Climbing (and falling out of) a tree, jumping from a swing set or any number of other fun activities often result in sprains, stress fractures or actual breaks, specifically to the wrist area. Telling the difference between a sprain and a stress fracture can be difficult. When a child falls on the wrist and complains of pain, care should be taken to watch for swelling, as well as if the child is able to use their wrist. Unless the child has an allergy to Tylenol, this is a good first step to relieve the pain. If the child is still complaining of pain in a couple of hours, call the doctor. An x-ray may be needed to determine if there is indeed a fracture.
Scraped knees, elbows and palms are often the result of bicycling mishaps. While these types of injuries will no doubt result in lots of tears and screams, they are often nothing serious. Be sure to thoroughly clean the area with soap and water, if the child is not willing, wash the wound with an antiseptic wash. When the area is clean, apply an antibacterial cream and a bandage, if necessary.
Head injuries are often the scariest and of most concern to parents and medical personnel alike. If a child has hit their head, either by falling off of a bike or while doing another activity, this is not to be taken lightly. It may be difficult to tell the difference between a superficial scalp wound and an internal head injury which may affect the brain.
There are symptoms that are common with head injuries which may be useful to determine the difference. The most obvious symptom is if the childe actually loses consciousness. In this case, rush the child to the emergency room or call 911 immediately. Other less obvious symptoms include; uncontrollable crying that lasts longer than normal for the child, the child complaining of a headache long after a normal pain would have disappeared and of course, if the child isn't walking or moving correctly.
As long as the wound is superficial, and no allergies exist, give a pain reliever recommended for children. Watch the child closely, just in case a more serious issue does develop. Applying an icepack (never apply ice directly) may help in the minutes immediately following the injury to reduce pain.
When a child is injured it is important to reassure them that this is part of growing up. Give them the level of care they require, being careful not to scare them too much. This could result in them being afraid to try new things in the future. Injuries are a common, normal part of growing up. While most are harmless in the long run, it is important to react appropriately.
by: Chris Tomshack
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