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Changing Your Belief System Takes Honest Effort & Humility

Changing Your Belief System Takes Honest Effort & Humility

Change begins with you making a choice to change and that starts with being humble

enough to realize that the events of your life are the direct product of your belief system and decisions. So if your life or your business is not producing the results you want then take a minute or two to humbly look at what you truly believe.

Ask yourself some frank honest questions: Do I really believe I deserve to be successful? Do I love myself? Do I like myself? Am I resentful or angry about my past? How do I feel about making money? Have I asked for help? Do I waist time in negative thoughts? Do I expect instant success? Am I willing to learn and develop? Do I blame others? Can I change?

As to the last question, can I change? Yes! You can change any time you wish. You can change this very instant. You can make a decision this very moment to open a book, turn off the TV, go for a walk, feel grateful for the many blessing of life, open your mind and listen to your heart.

You could also choose to do nothing. You could continue to delay or procrastinate and pretend rather than perform. Remember the idea of having to change yourself is uncomfortable and it is easier to remain as you are. You can choose rest over effort, delay over action, entertainment over education, delusion over truth, and fear over confidence. What will you choose?Changing Your Belief System Takes Honest Effort & Humility

If you are in search of a healthy, happy and good life, then an honest appraisal of your circumstances is necessary!

So right now at this very moment start with a clean fresh blank slate. To do this all you need to do is forget about your past, your past errors in judgment, your past mistakes, your past bad feelings and realize that at whatever point you are currently at in life, it is a result of all of your past decisions and choices. Another helpful thing is to forgive yourself and others for any wrongs that have been done.

Now is the time for a change in belief and this will require you to take a humble approach and have an honest view of your circumstances? Start out by reviewing your current routine or schedule. What are you doing to better yourself on a daily basis?

Any meaningful change is usually a slow process but all journeys begin with a first step. This means that by doing simple constructive things over a period of time you will bring long term beneficial results into your life.

The secret to success is making every day you live a successful day and that is very easy to do if you are constantly alert to how you are thinking. When you direct your attention to thoughts of love, gratitude, thankfulness, happiness and joy you will be activating some of the most powerful forces in the universe.

It is vital to understand that what you think about today is working to create your future. So if you want to bring abundance into your life, begin now and feel that you already have abundance. See yourself as already in possession of your dreams and goals. Believe you deserve to have the best that love and life have to offer. Believe you can be anything you want to be. You can be love, you can be happy and you can be healthy!

Remember change begins with making a choice to change and that can start now!

by: Steven Shaw
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