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Chair Massage Alleviate Hurts More Effectively

Chair Massage Alleviate Hurts More Effectively

Americans in general are working more and more hours

. More than before, as well as more than their European counterparts. We need to learn to relax a bit more. Family, work, friends all keep us busy. What do other countries know about relaxation. Maybe we can learn. You need to learn more about chair massage.

Many companies will provide chair massage for incentives to employees for hard work, or profitable numbers. What we do not all know (myself included until recently) is that massage in a chair can relieve many ailments from aches and pains to migraines and stress. The individual who will give this massage is usually an independent worker who will bring his/her own equipment to the work site. Unlike many massages, this one is done in a portable chair, fully clothed.

Companies actually do this. Even though it sounds like a luxury, remember that a lot of larger companies have, on their premises, conveniences such as nap rooms and day care. A masseuse who will come to the site with equipment can be used to provide incentives or reward hard-working individuals, while relieving stress.

Employers, do you want your employees to perform better? Of course you do. With health care for employees at a premium, surely it makes sense to have the benefit of massage provided. This is very beneficial to productivity and could lead to a reduction in absenteeism, making chair massage a benefit all around.Chair Massage Alleviate Hurts More Effectively

When studying different languages, one can't deny how exciting it is to discover that many cultures have the same word and customs of massage. The word comes from the Latin word "frictio", as well as from the French word meaning friction or kneading", and the Arabic word "massa" meaning to touch, feel or handle.

The art of massage dates way back, back to over 3000 years. It has been documented by the ancient Hindus, Persians and Egyptians. They all applied forms of massage for many ailments, including stress, headaches and joint pain. Hippocrates even wrote papers recommending the use of rubbing and friction for joint and circulatory problems.

Now this gets more interesting. It is not something new, it doesn't require strong prescription medication and it can be done in the office. Surely every employer wants happy employees, and every employee wants to be able to do his/her job as best as can be. Don't we all work toward an incentive other than the pay check? For my husband and me, we just want to be able to work and support our family. We don't want to become billionaires. Life is too short. We just want to get the job done, mortgage paid, extra-curricular dance and music for our girls.

As a wife I see my husband going to a busy office and driving in hours of traffic. He wakes up with back and neck pain. He is truly a hard worker, but the work day takes its toll on him. He stretches each morning, and goes in to the local spa for a chair massage. It makes him feel so much better. We wish this was something his company provided, but unfortunately, it is not. Employers, provide it, it will save you money long term!

by: Hank Dupont
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Chair Massage Alleviate Hurts More Effectively