Car Travel Games for Kids

Share: Author: Levi Quinn
Author: Levi Quinn
Kids can be such pain when traveling. They will nag you and do all sorts of crazy stuff. The best way to keep them from getting into your nerves as you cruise around is to get something that will keep them busy. There are quite a number of games that can keep them amused and delighted through the journey. Pick any of the games mentioned hereafter to keep them from fidgeting in the backseat. Printable car bingo games are a great way to occupy kids in the car. You can choose from a wide collection of goodies that can be printed. Pack some lines and dots games, bingo or map. This will grab the attention of the kids as they try to join the dots, print items and even play the bingo games. Apart from that, you can also make a cookie catcher. The kids will not bother you as they will be busy trying to unlock their fortune at the back seat. You can teach them how to make the cookie catcher and how to play the game and then leave them to explore the rest. Further still, you can help the kids to make a travel journal or diary. Guide them on how to do it then you can leave them to do the rest through the journey. Not only will they have fun while at it, they will also get the chance to keep those travel memories through their lifetime. String figures are also good for kids when traveling. The advantage is that all you will need is a string or a piece of yarn. This will definitely keep their attention away from you as they attempt to make the kitty whiskers, Jacobs ladder, cup and saucer or even play Cats Cradle. What about some singing from the kids? This will be more fun if you join in and everyone sings along. Give the radio a break and let your kids enjoy themselves as they sing their favorite songs. In addition, kids can also keep themselves busy with aluminum foil. The kids can use this to make different items such as masks and bracelets. This piece allows them to stretch their creativity and is a fun activity for kids. A road trip is also a good chance for you to keep the kids on a scavenger hunt. Assign them items to look out for while traveling. The kids duty is to identify the items as you drive. This will keep them on the lookout while allowing you to drive without interference. Apart from that, you can also get some roadside oddities. The counting Cows Car game is also relevant while traveling. The kids can play this game and even throw in some cow jokes while at it. The license plate game will definitely keep them busy. Each child gets a page where they will mark the license plates they sight. Further still, a printable battleship game can also come in handy at this time. Also consider getting pipe cleaner creatures as well as pirates of the caravan. These will draw the kids attention away from you.About the Author:
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