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Canoga Park Dentist - Top Dentist In Canoga Park

If you're looking for a Canoga Park dentist, look no further than Dr

. John Chaves. With his staff of experienced, caring professionals, Dr. Chaves has been the leading dentist to serve Canoga Park, California and the Los Angeles area for 20 years. Call 818-698-1563.

Listen to what his patients are saying...

I've always had this natural fear of the dentist. And when I came in here, I was really nervous. And they were very friendly--the staff, and of course Dr. Chaves. You know, he made me feel like I was at home.

Comfortable? It's more than what I expected, because he's super fast. So it's just great to sit in his chair. I knew that within an hour, or a little bit over, the process will be done. I come back and he doesn't spend any more time than that. Sorry to say this, but I just hate the dentist chair. So the little amount of time I spend in the chair is very preferable. And he's unbelievably fast, and his technique is great. He gets me out of the chair.

I don't do dentists very well at all. I was a horrific anti-dentist person. And Dr. Chaves has really helped me get over that complex. It was really, really bad, but he's helped calm me a great deal.

Whether you need just a regular check up and tooth cleaning, or are interested in cosmetic or restorative dental work, Dr. Chaves and his team are here to help.

Call today and ask about our free tooth whitening offer for new patients -- a $500 value.

Call 818-698-1563. Or visit us at

by: Michael Kingston
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