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Can You View Your Pet's Cremation?

Can You View Your Pet's Cremation?

Can You View Your Pet's Cremation?Can You View Your Pet's Cremation?

Can You View Your Pet's Cremation?

The answer is normally yes but it will depend on how the pet crematorium works and any licensing conditions that may apply. An appointment time will have to be made and this will usually involve an additional charge. Although this question may be asked people have different ideas about what they mean. Seeing their pet placed carefully into the cremation chamber is important to some people.This may be to assure themselves that the cremation really is individual or it may be for religious beliefs. Other people may simply want to be present in the grounds at the time of the cremation and not to actually view the process.Attended pet cremations have to be scheduled into what is often a busy day. The working practices at a pet crematorium are the same as a human one but do not usually have any ceremony accompanying the cremation. People often associate the ceremony at a human service with the time of the cremation but it is not necessarily the case. Whilst the ceremonies are at a fixed time the actual cremations will be carried out in order and may be later, although always by the finish of the day. To carry out a cremation at a specific time means that some space needs to be available at the start to ensure the unit is available. Obviously this will mean fewer cremations may be carried out and is why an additional fee is often added.If you want to view the beginning of the cremation to reassure yourself that it is a genuine individual cremation then there are a few points to understand. Most genuine pet crematoria have small machines that, for environmental reasons, are not allowed to use coffins for the cremation. To abide by the regulations the cremator must be raised to the correct temperature before the cremation begins. This means your pet will be going into a very hot chamber which may result in instant combustion. You must decide if you want this to be your final memory of your pet. If you wish to view then safety procedures must be observed so it is important to follow instructions from the crematorium about where to stand. You must not try to interfere with the procedure. It is normal for someone to be present to prevent this. There have been instances where pet owners have found viewing the cremation too traumatic and therefore some establishments may not permit this.Your pet crematorium may have a viewing room where you can watch through a window or you may be able to see it on a closed circuit camera. However you should be cautious if they don't show the inside of the unit. This may be because the cremation is not being carried out individually.There are alternatives if you don't wish to see your pet go into a hot chamber but still want reassurance about the process. Make arrangements to have your pet cremated at a definite time. Make sure you inspect the inside of the cremation unit before the start of the cremation. The hearth should be clean with no remnants from other cremations. If you see any remains on the hearth then you would be best to go to another crematorium as it means the correct care is not being taken. If you wish to be close by then make sure you can stand somewhere so that you feel part of the cremation without having to actually see it. The total time for the cremation and preparation of ashes will vary from about one and a half hours to four or five hours depending on the size of the pet. It is best to go off and come back later for the ashes but talk to the crematorium about what you want and what they are able to provide.For complete reassurance go to a member of the Association of Private Pet Cemeteries & Crematoria. The Code of Practice in place will ensure your cremations are carried out correctly in the in manner you rightfully expect.
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Can You View Your Pet's Cremation? Clemson