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Breast Reduction Surgery To Alleviate Back Pain - 3 Points To Consider

Breast Reduction Surgery To Alleviate Back Pain - 3 Points To Consider

Having larger-than-average breasts is something that many women dream of

. But, for women with very large breasts - especially women with small-to-midsize frames - their situation is not always an enviable one.

In fact, complications can and do arise for women with very large breasts. The most serious complication for these women is the tendency toward serious back pain. Such back pain is worse for women who not only have large breasts but who also spend a lot of time on their feet, such as at work.

Large breasts can lead to back pain due to the weight imbalance that they cause for the body. Essentially, for these women, their breasts are constantly drawing them forward. This causes them to continuously employ their back muscles to "right" themselves. This constant strain on the back muscles is the ultimate cause of their back pain.

Back Pain Is A Serious Concern For WomenBreast Reduction Surgery To Alleviate Back Pain - 3 Points To Consider

Pain is not something to be taken lightly. Chronic back pain can be debilitating, making it difficult for a woman to function normally in her daily life. The pain can get worse over time, especially as the woman ages and her spine and other bones become more porous and weak.

And, the pain can be exacerbated by her choice of work. Any job that requires a lot of work on one's feet (as mentioned above) can make the pain much worse. Often, the only way to relieve the pain for these women is to spend more time in bed, take hot baths, or take pain medication.

Breast Reduction Surgery To Alleviate Back Pain

For women whose pain is likely caused by having very large breasts, breast reduction surgery may be just the solution they need to alleviate their back pain. Here are 3 points to consider:

1. Breast reduction surgery can save your back: By reducing the size of your breasts, your plastic surgeon is essentially reducing their weight. This means that after surgery there will be 3, 4, 10 (or so) pounds less weight constantly pulling on your back muscles. Having a healthy back is an integral part of staying healthy, especially as we age.

2. Breast reduction surgery is safe: Hundreds of thousands of cosmetic plastic surgeries are performed on women's breasts each year, with no small number of those being breast reduction surgery. It has become so common that the chances for serious complications are very slim.

3. You can ask your plastic surgeon to give your breasts the shape you have always wanted: In addition to the reduction itself, your plastic surgeon can also make your breasts the desired shape. Doing so might involve a combination of implants and other procedures to nip and tuck the extra skin around your breast tissue.

Breast reduction surgery to alleviate back pain can be a very smart choice for your health. Ask your doctor for more details.

Breast Reduction Surgery To Alleviate Back Pain - 3 Points To Consider

By: Robbie James
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Breast Reduction Surgery To Alleviate Back Pain - 3 Points To Consider