Botox Safety - How Safe Is Botox? Explained By Cosmetic Doctor Dr Barry Lycka

Share: 'Is Botox Safe' is the number one question I am asked all the time
Now, why am I asked that? Well, the number one reason is that Botox is currently the most popular cosmetic procedure requested by patients visiting cosmetic surgeons in America today . Statistically it is going up by leaps and bounds. Every year, more and more people are trying Botox as a wrinkle treatment and loving it. It's what we call happy medicine. Yet Botox has become the boogie man of the industry. A lot of people question how safe is botox.
Let me take this opportunity to reassure you, as a cosmetic dermatologist, I find Botox to be one of the most wonderful and safe agents around.
The reasons why Botox has had some bad press and subsequently gained a bad reputation come from three different sources, three different uses of botox that are not widely understood and which lead to general concern and misunderstanding regarding the safety of botox.

Share: The number one source of misunderstanding is that Botox is used for a lot of things other than cosmetic uses.
It is used to treat diseases in neurology where we have spasticity issues, a large degree of muscle contraction in conditions such as cerebral palsy where patients require huge doses of Botox, doses that I would never imagine being used in a cosmetic procedure. It is used in different doses, to help treat different problems. The larger the dose, the higher the risk. Those large doses are not used for cosmetic purposes.
The second source of misunderstanding is how Botox has been used in animal testing. They are 10,000 times the dosage we use in cosmetic surgery. So in those situations, there are side effects that we would never see in cosmetic surgery.
And the third source of misunderstanding, is where people have reported problems from having cosmetic use of Botox. However, the problems have resulted from the use of what I call 'bogus Botox'. Unfortunately, some doctors have used Botox that is not the real thing. This has happened in places across the United States and throughout the world and has given rise to a lot of reports of bad side effects and poor results.
But I'd like to assure you that in safe hands, with a well-qualified doctor using approved products, botox is one of the safest, most wonderful materials we have.
I look forward to connecting with you and if you have any questions for me on botox safety and would like further advice on using botox as a wrinkle treatment, please contact me via any of the methods listed in the "About the author" box below, ask your question, and I will be back with an answer for you !
And keep looking out for more articles featuring cosmetic surgery & skin care advice and the latest in cosmetic procedures, cellulite treatment and anti-aging treatments.
by: Cosmetic Doctor
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Botox Safety - How Safe Is Botox? Explained By Cosmetic Doctor Dr Barry Lycka Shanghai