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A Book's Promotion Should Be Helped By A Book Author Website

A Book's Promotion Should Be Helped By A Book Author Website

Many book author websites hinder a book's promotion because of either missing elements or elements that unnecessarily clutter the website

. The purpose of a book author website is to do one thing: Convince the prospective book buyer to stick around on the site to learn more about the book.

Here are problems that book author websites have that hinder a visitor's interest in the book:

- Splash page that puts an extra click between the potential website visitor and the home page with the important book information (splash pages are no longer "in fashion" and should be eliminated)

- Home page that doesn't clearly state front-and-center whether the book is fiction or nonfiction and what the book is about

- Home page and subsequent pages without a clear BUY THIS BOOK NOW button "above the fold" (before having to scroll down the page)

- Not offering a free sample chapter to entice people to read more (in other words, buy the book)

- Not collecting email addresses to keep people informed of the author's new writing developments (email marketing can be very effective for keeping connected with a book author's fans)

- Photo or background art on home page that has nothing to do with the book and is confusing to the website visitor

If you're a book author and your site has these problems, then correct them now in order to encourage your website visitors to stick around on your website and learn about your book.

In addition, another major problem for promoting books is authors who only have blogs with no websites:

The problem with only using a blog to promote your book is that the nature of blog posts (the newest entry on top) makes it more difficult for a first-time website visitor to grasp what your book is about. A static home page with all the important book information clearly visible is a much better book marketing strategy. And then from the home page a visitor can click to the blog.

Of course, you want to engage in social networking to drive people to your website to sample your writing. And if you accomplish driving visitors to your website, you want to make it as easy as possible for people to be interested in what you have on offer.

Isn't it worth investing time in making your website an effective salesperson for your work?

by: Phyllis Zimbler Miller
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A Book's Promotion Should Be Helped By A Book Author Website Shanghai