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Boats and Coastal Cruising By Capt. Douglas Malat

Boats and Coastal Cruising By Capt. Douglas Malat

It feels good taking your boat and doing a coastal run

, because when you get to your destination some people might ask what route you took and saying coastal always gives you that nice accomplished feeling. You also never know what you'll see as you and your boat run the coastmaybe a pair of whales?...Maybe a school of tuna? These are some of the wonders that are out there, but one of the best things as your boat is cutting through the water is the colorsthe spray off your bow seems whiter, the sea seems to turn a different color blue with hints of other colors as the sea floor deepens or gets shallower. These runs you will remember and enjoy for a long time.

Boats and Coastal Cruising By Capt. Douglas Malat

By: gardnerwilkinson
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