. The blogger always prefer writing what he/she is thinking about at the time of writing of blog. It is important for the blogger to optimize the blog for its valuable readers and even for the search engines so that readers are driven to the blog.
Many of the blogs posted online run either on the standard blog platforms or on various other domains. The blog optimization process differs completely from the search engine optimization. These are actually the designs related issues that will have an impact on the blog rankings. There are few things that must be kept in mind when doing blog optimization.
(a) It is important to make the blog appealing and attractive. A distinctive template and color schemes make a blog eye-catching. Use of good color combinations is very important that will catch the eye of the looker.
(b) Providing feeds subscription, RSS as well as email is another important thing to do. A good subscriber will search for an orange RSS logo. It is however helpful to put RSS links at necessary locations where people will click the subscription to feed. Most of the viewers dont get RSS. It is good to accommodate them by providing an option that links your blog posts via emails.
(c) Presentation of the content is also imperative. The content should be of a kind that should interest the readers. It is must be presented in the most superior way and have god layouts. Choose simple fonts.
(d) The page you have must be loaded immediately and should not take enough time to load. Al the readers dont like to wait and this must be kept in mind while adding the widgets to blogs. Blog loaded will java manuscripts will slow down the site.
(e)Title should be very attractive. The title should be related to the content you have posted. Using proper keywords is a good thing to do.
(f) The process of blogging must be done regularly. The regular postings will allow you to have more googlebots.
(g) Linking is a best idea. It is good to link your post to an original story. By adopting such a technique, you will make the bloggers aware of this. This will improve your chances of attaining back links in future. The unique way of getting links is posting original and innovative.
(h) It is essential to make use of important tools for fighting the spam and managing the blog comments.
Thus, by following the above mentioned method, one can do effective blog optimization and thus increasing the online reputation.