If you have finally decided you can't put off treating your bladder weakness problem and have made an appointment with your doctor, you may be wondering just what to expect during that meeting. Going to the doctor's office can often be an anxious experience but if you have an idea of what to expect it can be a less stressful situation.
When you make the appointment, your doctor may ask you to keep a bladder diary so that he or she will have some good data to work with when you arrive. A bladder diary is simply a record of what and when you take in as fluids and when you make a bathroom trip. Normally you would keep this journal for a full week before the medical visit.
Armed with this information the doctor can ask intelligent questions and diagnose the underlying cause(s) more quickly and accurately. He or she will take your medical history and will want to know of any surgeries or procedures that you have had. He may ask you specifically about your use of caffeine and alcohol as both of these are natural diuretics that can encourage you going often. Also, if you are a spicy food fan you may be irritating the bladder causing it to void more often.
Your doctor may conduct a physical exam and for women this typically means a vaginal exam to determine the strength of the pelvic floor muscles. For men the prostate may be examined to determine if there has been growth. A urine sample may be taken to determine if there is a urinary tract or other infection which can result in incontinence. Other examinations including an ultrasound may be warranted as well.
Many people still consider incontinence or bladder weakness an embarrassing subject even to the point that they don't want to discuss it with their physician. Don't fall into that trap. Incontinence is easily treated and managed but you have to start with that visit to the MD.