Beverly Hills Dentist Announces Breakthrough Cosmetic Dental Procedure To Correct. Patients Gummy Smiles
BEVERLY HILLS, CA, December 2009Top Beverly Hills cosmetic dentist and founder of The Total Smile Dr
. Alex Farnoosh announces an improved technique for eliminating his patients gummy smiles. Gummy smiles are caused when the upper lip lifts too high when a person smiles, revealing a significant portion of the upper gums.
Dr. Farnoosh introduced his specialized lip lowering and gummy smile correctional procedure that will not only cure the cosmetic problem of a gummy smile, but also enhances the upper lip, making it look fuller after completing the procedure.
Many patients from all over the world seek out Beverly Hills dental specialist Dr. Farnoosh for his innovative technique and superior results. Patients who have undergone the procedure stated that their upper lip looks fuller and more attractive after having their gummy smile fixed. Dr. Farnoosh simply utilizes his
lip-lowering procedure and does not use any derma-fillers or collagen injections in the upper lip, but the final outcome and fullness of the lip looks as if special filler was utilized. The Los Angeles periodontist explains that, "in the past, the treatment for a gummy smile was invasive, involved the cutting of the jaw bone, which was risky and expensive. My method is safer, more contained, and less costly. The results we have seen over the past 10 years are just outstanding.
Dr. Farnoosh is one of the few cosmetic dentists worldwide who offers unique specialized treatment for both gingival discoloration and gummy smile conditions. He has been successfully treating people with
Gummy smiles for over a decade. His comprehensive approach to cosmetic dentistry - known as The Total Smile - requires all three elements of beautiful teeth, pleasant-looking gums, and appealing lips. This approach continues to help patients improve their smile, attractiveness, oral health, and self-confidence.
Beverly Hills Dentist Announces Breakthrough Cosmetic Dental Procedure To Correct. Patients Gummy Smiles
By: The Total Smile
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