Best Health Insurance Agent For Hsa Qualified Health Plans

Share: A lot of people have asked us, what is it that makes HSA for America so special
? Well, HSA for America which is the largest online health insurance agency specializing in plans that work with health savings accounts. We specialize in plans that work with HSAs.
Most health insurance agents, despite the fact that more people are getting HSA plans than are getting non-HSA plans, the typical health insurance agent is resistant to that change and there are a couple of reasons. One is that we all get into our habits and their habit is presenting conventional co-pay plans, but the bigger reason is that health insurance agents get paid commission for selling health insurance policies and the more expensive the premium is, the more commission they get paid.
HSA premiums are about 40% less than conventional co-pay plans so the agent earns a much lower commission and thus some don't want to tell you about it, but that's our focus is HSA plans, and our focus is finding ways to save our customers money. We show you how you can get discounts on prescription drugs, on lab testing, how you can have any medical bill over $200.00 renegotiated at no cost to you to see if they can lower the actual price you're being charged and basically, we're just trying to not only save you money, but to make the process easy.
So on our website at, there's information on all the available plans, you can run instant quotes, you can compare different plans, compare rates with different deductibles and really find the plan that works best for you and that's what this is all about. We're all about helping you go out into the marketplace and really choose for yourself what will work best rather than being sold a plan that's maybe best for the insurance agent, but not necessarily for you.
For more information on how to save money with HSA qualified health plans as well as many other money saving tips and strategies, go to There you will find more information not only about Health Savings Accounts and high deductible health plans, but also many other ways to seriously reduce your health care expenses and enjoy all the benefits of a truly comprehensive health plan.
by: Wiley Long
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