Back Massage: Alleviate Pain More Effectively

Share: Do you have kids? Do you have a car? A home? Go grocery shopping
? You use your back, and you use it a lot! Over and over, you pick heavy things up - car seats, children, groceries, backpacks - to name but a few! Surely you feel a slight pain in your lower or upper back, perhaps your shoulder blades. Not only you, but your spouse probably has the same symptoms. You deserve a back massage. Have you ever had one? Do you know the benefits? I do. The benefits are so great and so numerous, and deal far beyond what you would expect.
Have you ever considered heading to your local spa to check it out. It may seem a bit scary at first, but having looked into it is well worthwhile. We use our backs so, so much. There are so many massages, from head to toe, but for me, the back massage is the most rewarding.
A caring masseuse will give you plenty of information, including lotions and explain the methods. You, like me, may chose a semi-nude, versus a nude (towel covered) option. My first massage relaxed and refreshed me. My back is still feeling great, even a couple of weeks later.
When I started complaining to my spouse about my back, he said "take pain relievers". When I spoke with a girlfriend, she recommended (with great sympathy) a back massage. She has been having them frequently for the past year, and has great things to say about them. She especially loves her masseuse, and pretends she's on vacation in the tropics when she is having one.

Share: While modern medicine is great, it won't always get to the root of the problem. Massage is an ancient technique, which has been used through the ages to cure many ailments. With modern advances in medicine, massage became pass, a thing no longer needed. However, in the late 1990's (including the Olympic year in Atlanta) massage made a comeback and was considered a valuable medical service.
There are many forms and types, along with areas of massage. In my case, a back massage suits my needs. I am a wife and mother. My duties include chauffeuring girls back and forth, laundry, mealtime, home organization to name but a few. I have been known to mow the lawn, cut back overgrown plants and dig deep in the soil.
As a parent, I instill in my girls the necessity of stretching and exercising. You would think I would lead by example. No, if I have great energy, I will clean out closets, take them to many classes, sit and watch. You ask, "why not exercise when they are in class". Seems obvious - unless you have an obstinate child.
However, ours is not a perfect world. My 6 yr old will not run and keep up with me. Heavens, she will barely keep up with my walk pace. She refuses to sit in a stroller or to ride her bike. She also will throw a fit when I mention that maybe, just maybe, she will sit through two hours while her sisters have their ballet class. What's a mom to do. Say nothing, but get a back massage!
by: Robert Sted
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