Average To Get Pregnant - Maintain Fertility After 40 Years Old
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Author: Pregnancy Advisor
Average To Get Pregnant Reproductive quality of life as if any other physical quality of life presses forward in a particular pattern with specific points in life proving to be more active as compared to others. In both men and women, the reproductive quality of life starts developing during their teenage decades and progresses continually to youth and at that time starts to decline gradually in old age. Average To Get Pregnant For a couple interested in getting pregnant naturally, it is important to observe these kinds of innate human changes. At what age is a woman most fertile? Getting pregnant naturally may prove to be too easy a task for some women especially in their teenage years. This is because most of their ovules are not yet spent and they are also most likely free from the defects that result from the use of various contraceptives. It is no wonder then that most unwanted pregnancies occur during this early teenage years. Most women are mostly very productive during their teens all the way into the 40 years mark. This fertility may however be either very high or very low depending on several factors surrounding the particular woman's life.
Average To Get Pregnant What factors influence infertility in women? Since most women are supposed to be fertile at the ages of 13 to 40, many people may wonder why some people may have problems getting pregnant naturally. Here are some of the reasons that may lead to decline in fertility during these perceived fertile years. * Use of contraceptives may reduce a woman's ability at getting pregnant naturally * Consumption of foods that are high in artificial additives and the habitual consumption of junk foods which are high in cholesterol may inhibit the woman's efforts at getting pregnant naturally * The intake of nicotine rich foods and beverages such as coffee kills vitality and lowers libido leading to increased cases of infertility * Consumption of alcohol and other intoxicants also affect the body's reproductive further jeopardizing a woman's chances of getting pregnant naturally. What should we do to maintain fertility past 40 years? There is no secret about the reasons why some women stay fertile for longer than others. Lifestyle plays a major role in the differences that are exhibited between different persons. The following are some tips that can guarantee fertility for women even past the age of 40. * Consumption of natural foods rich in vitamins and other fertility enhancing foods such as oysters and cholesterol free white meats. * Steering clear of intoxicants such as alcohol and cigarettes ensures a prolonged reproductive health making the task of getting pregnant naturally an easy one for such women even at older ages. Average To Get Pregnant * Regular exercise and checking body weight against obesity helps one in maintaining high fertility rates even in old age. Start raising a family! Get Pregnant Today by getting
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