Are You A Role Model For Your Child?

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Are You A Role Model For Your Child?
Your kids have no one else to mimic but you. This means that whatever actions you carry out, they will emulate, be it in brushing your teeth, eating with your mouth closed, throwing the trash in proper locations, and other good traits that children are taught by their parents. Unfortunately, this also applies to bad traits that you might passively show your kids. These bad habits include smoking, cursing, shouting, and other things that might affect the child in a negative way. Here are a few pointers that you will need to follow to help mould your child into a responsible adult.With the present influence that the media has in our lives today you need to spend more time with your child. This not only means that you need to supervise your child with every action that she does, but by being a guiding and authoritative presence in their lives. Don't be afraid to answer questions honestly on tough issues, and explain to your child your feelings on various subjects they may be inquisitive about. I find it is best not to talk down to your child and you will be surprised at the level they can comprehend things. Believe me when I tell you, this will serve you well in the future.When you see your child emulate the good things that you are doing, praise your child for doing so. This of course all starts with you setting the proper example. Remember that a child's watchful eye is always going to be on you, and they are looking to you to set an example of how to act in many situations. Basically, it all boils down to monkey see, monkey do.Also don't be afraid to be a disciplinarian when it is time to lay down the law. Far too many parents today want to be their child's best friend and hate being the bad guy. However, you can serve both roles, and it is important the child knows there are rules that must be followed, and consequences for their actions when they are broken. No parent will ever be perfect, so when you do make mistakes, cut yourself a break. Being a parent is an unforgiving job that tests the patience of us all, but in the end I have found that following my instincts has always served me well, and I imagine you will find the same is true for you also.
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