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All About Sedation Dentistry In Santa Barbara

For many people, going to the dentist is a fear that has followed them around since childhood

. Often, these people have a difficult enough time going in for a simple cleaning, let alone an oral procedure. Fortunately, the option of sedation dentistry exists. Sedation dentistry in Santa Barbara can make dental work possible again for those who otherwise cannot handle it.


Put simply, in sedation dentistry, the patient is sedated before a procedure is performed. This differs from normal dentistry, where the patient is awake throughout the entire process. For those who get anxious and have panic attacks in situations such as this, sedation is often the only option.


Depending upon the procedure and the severity of the person's anxiety, there are a variety of sedation techniques that can be used. Oral sedatives such as alprazolam or diazepam can be used, as can intravenous sedation or nitrous oxide sedation. Since different people respond to each type of sedation differently, it's important that there be a variety of techniques available.


In some cases yes; other cases, no. There are three tiers of sedation - anxiolysis (during which the patient is given a mild tranquilizer), conscious sedation (the patient is usually given a stronger sedative) and deep sedation (the patient is often sedated to the point of being unconscious). The depth and type of sedation will depend upon the procedure being performed, as well as the patient's tolerance for anxiety and sedation.


The benefits of sedation dentistry are tenfold. Getting dental work done on a regular basis is extremely important to one's health. Not only does poor dental hygiene affect one's mouth, but studies have shown that it can actually have negative effects on the heart. Thus, one must consistently see a dentist in order to keep their dental health strong. Unfortunately, however, some people find visiting the dentist to be extremely nerve-wracking and can barely go through with it - if at all. This is where the benefits of sedation dentistry come in.

Sedation dentistry allows the patient to deal with the dental procedure, as the sedation calms their worries and - in some cases - can render them unconscious so they do not need to deal with the procedure at all. In this way, sedation dentistry is quick and effective for the patient, and can make the dental experience far less painful.


Fortunately, those who live in Santa Barbara have the option to give sedation dentistry a try. Dr. Mark T. Weiser, DDS, is a fully trained Santa Barbara sedation dentist who can help you to gain more information about whether or not sedation dentistry is for you. If you have been looking for a Santa Barbara sedation dentist, look no further than the office of Dr. Mark T. Weiser, as his background and training and extremely suitable for those interested in sedation dentistry. For more information you may visit his website at

by: Justin Gross
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